Boerhavia diffusa L. Family : Nyctaginaceae Common name : Red hogweed Habit : Herb Habitat : Open places near the sea, along roadside, dry areas and river valleys.
Boerhavia diffusa L.
Family : Nyctaginaceae
Common name : Red hogweed
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Open places near the sea, along roadside, dry areas and river valleys.
Medicinal uses -
ЁЯНАPaste made out of the roots of this plant, is applied externally on the skin, it forms a
beneficial dressing for ulcers and skin diseases.
ЁЯНАThe roots of the plant help in killing intestinal worms.
ЁЯНАA decoction of the leaves is used to treat jaundice.
Sugimani Marndi
(Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)