Your words cause laughter or enmity or hatred around you | ASHTAVAKRA GITA
🌿Chapter - 1🌿
~ Introduction ~
🌱 Day - 5 🌱
There Is a story about Mullah Nasruddin, Mullah was on his deathbed and the priest came. The priest told Mullah to repent for all the sins he has committed, as he was going to die. Mullah replied, 'Don't disturb me, I'm already doing that! I am repenting for the sins I have not committed. Life is so short; it is ending. I could have done much more! Anyway, I am going away from here. Who knows whether there is a heaven or a hell? Who cares! At least I could have committed these sins! I am repenting for what I have not done'.
We regret for what we have and also for what we don't have. Somebody who has a big car regret the cost of running and maintaining it; and safeguarding it. It is all so much trouble. Someone who doesn't have a car regret it, too. We are stuck with things. We are stuck with situations, objects and people. And we are even stuck with knowledge. 'So-called' knowledge has brought so much arrogance that one is totally stuck. It has not made anyone simple, innocent and clear; hollow and empty!
So, do you have these qualifications? Do you have control over your body and tongue. Except for your tongue, all the other senses only do one job. Your eyes can only see. The ears can only hear. The nose can only smell. But the tongue has two functions. It speaks as well as tastes. It has two directions. It is a double - two horses. When there are two horses, you need to have more control.
There is a beautiful saying in Kannada which means your words cause laughter or enmity or hatred around you. With your speech you can make the whole world your own. All the wealth in the world can be yours with your speech - truth or lies. Truth can't be told. So whatever you say is only a lie! Even your lie should be an expert lie. However, what we do is get drunk or intoxicated in God, the Divine, in oneself in the morning, and tell lies in the evening!
In the bhajan you sing, 'Chitta chora' which means 'You are a thief'. You are telling Krishna, 'You are a thief. You have stolen my mind, my heart; you have stolen everything!' 'Navanita chora Gopal'. Navanita means one whose mind is like butter, who is in the present moment; not like a rock, but very soft. Their heart and mind has become very soft. You even steal such people who are unattached to anything. You get them attached to you. Even the detached, and the recluse mind can be captivated by the charm of the Divine.
There was a tradition in ancient India to not to say anything unless it was asked for. Only when someone questioned, could the answer be given. This is rule of the Enlightened. Though the Enlightened have no rules, certain rules are there which may or may not be followed. And one of those rules are those rules is not to say anything unless it is asked for.
We all have to remember this. We go on giving advice to people when they don't ask for it; even when they do not need it. Everyone becomes a advisor; a counsellor. We go on dumping advice on people when they ask. Then you have to be told to stop, but you don't, and keep on going on and on. So only when question is asked, should one answer. And it should be asked in a proper way. Do not answer, if it is not asked for in the proper way with all humility. One cannot demand answers. If someone does demand, never answer them. Be silent. A demanding person has no ear. They have removed their ears and kept it aside like dentures. When a person is demanding an answer, he has detached his ears and he is just asking a question. That question is not coming from a seeking mind, but from some anguish, problem or pain. The law says that then you should not answer. You should just smile and not answer the question if it is not asked at the proper time. Never answer a question if the time or the place is not right.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji