Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. Family : Apocyaceae Common name : Patalagaruda (Odia) Location : Kalahandi, Odisha India
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L.
Family : Apocyaceae
Common name : Patalagaruda (Odia)
Location : Kalahandi, Odisha India
Medicinal uses :
✔ Decoction of shoot is drunk three times a day for stomachache.
✔ Leaf decoction is used against cough and cold, leaf paste is used for skin disease.
✔ Roots are used in high blood pressure and mental disorders.
✔ Leaf juice is used in eye troubles and decoction prepared from leaves is used for toothache.
✔ The leaves and fruits are used against snake bite.
Sweta Mishra
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Bhubaneswar, Odisha India