In Sanskrit the word for health is Swastha. It means the one who is in the Self.
*Chapter 6 - Coping With Fear*
Often you think you are a slave of your feelings. If you feel terrible, why do you feel so? You know you have the key and the capacity not to feel terrible and to come out of it.
This is because the core of our existence is much more powerful than our feelings. It is connected with the infinite energy, the source and the field that we are.
Then this - our very consciousness - the presence by which our body has grown in the womb and from childhood to adulthood also has the power to heal.
Our body has everything needed to repair it. Of course from time to time you can take some herbs, vitamins, medicines and food. All this will help.
There are four sources of energy. They are food, sleep, breath and meditation. You take help from these.
At the same time know that,
it is the consciousness that is healing, and keeping you healthy. Just close your eyes for a moment.
Consider who is looking at what's happening. Of course you see with the eyes and listen with the ears.
But what is that - that mind, that 'I' that 'You', behind those eyes and ears. Just consider the mind behind the senses.
You may be sitting on a chair. Do you need any external aid to know that you are sitting? You don't. You know you are sitting. How do you know?
Just feel yourself. Feel the mind through which you sense things. Now, open your eyes. The mind is seeing through our eyes.
The same mind is hearing through the ears. Take your attention back to the source, to the 'someone', the 'something', which is instrumental in gaining all the information.
The mind, the I the memory that registers it, compares it and judges it. This will bring health. In Sanskrit the word for health is Swastha. It means the one who is in the Self.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji
Waves of emotions