VAMAN PANCHKARMA | Dr Vrunda Pawar-Malankar Shashwat Ayurveda clinic, kalwa Thane Maharashtra India
Vaman is a one of the 5 important procedure(karma) of panchkarma.
What is Vaman?
It is a procedure of cleansing our body of excess doshas through controlled and induced vomiting. The vomiting is induced & controlled way by ayurvedic medicines. In Vaman, Excess kapha, pitta & toxins are extracted from different organs into stomach & then it gets expelled out by induced vomiting.
Why it is done?
By flushing out kapha, pitta & other toxins out of our body gets detoxified & rejuvenated . This helps in curing recurrent , chronic diseases almost completely.
First consultation is done to rule out contraindications.
Then oleation from inside and outside is done via massage.
Next step is of inducing controlled vomiting followed by medicinal fume inhaltion
Then diet plan to be followed is adviced.
Benefits :
1. As a result of detoxification of our digestive, respiratory and various other systems by vomiting out toxins & doshas , our body system starts working more efficiently and also becomes stronger.
2. The sense organs, mind, intelligence & complexion becomes clear & strengthened.
3. It clears microchannels (path) of nourishment for various organs of the body, ultimately achieving balanced nutrition to organs, which help them to function efficiently.
4. It also improves immunity from recurrent infections & allergies, improves stamina, vigor, vitality.
1. Obese people who in need of weight loss. Its a most natural way for healthy weight loss.
2. People who suffers from recurrent cold, viral fever, allergic sinusitis & respiratory aliments.
3. It works best in various chronic skin diseases like psoriasis, urticaria, certain fungal infections, pigmentation, vitiligo, pimples and recurrent allergic rashes on skin.
4. It is also recommended in migraine, thyroid problems, hyperacidity.
5. It improves chance of fertility, virility & sexual power. Recommended for couples who are getting married or planning for baby.
6. Recommended for various menstrual problems like PCOS, fibroid in uterus, unexplained infertility, recurrent miscarriage and some breast problems.
7. Vaman is beneficial in certain psychosomatic conditions like depression, schizophrenia, lethargy, mood swings, fatigue without any reasons.
8. People who suffers from diabetis, hyperlipidemia, people who are at risk of developing heart disease, hypertension.
Usually it can be done throughout year according to patient's status. But as a result of increasing heat from feb-march-april ; kapha dosha present in frozen state in our body due to winter starts to liquifies. Due to which we commonly suffers from various kapha dosha related problems. Hence Feb-march-april ( vasant ritu in marathi) is easier & best time to expel out excess accumulated kapha dosha out of our body.
As Ayurveda serves purpose of both curative & preventive measures for healthy body & mind. Vaman is also can be done for curative as well as prevention of diseases.
Like we do regular servicing of various appliances like vehicle, AC, likewise it is necessary to do servicing of our body on regular basis for a healthy living.
If you have any queries or for more detailed information about vaman panchkarma you can visit us at our clinic or contact on 9987038360.
Dr Vrunda Pawar-Malankar
Owner at Shashwat ayurveda clinic, kalwa.
Clinic address: Shashwat ayurveda clinic, chandrabhaga darshan chs, kalwa-mumbra road, near kharegaon talav, kalwa west