Knowledge should bring bliss, makes you light, frees you. Keep moving forward, not stuck in past, taking life in totality,
02.06.2022 - Session 2 - Letting Go of Desire (Part 2) - Notes
If we can detach your sense of peace/happiness from desire, you remain unwavered when desire come and fall. Nothing can disturb the state of happiness. It is not impossible to achieve this with help of meditation/pranayama. Witness your desires, stop labelling them as good or bad. it all depends on the state of mind at that moment. See every wish as pure energy, and your happiness shouldn't be identified with fulfillment of desires. That is the strength.
The power of knowledge
Desire is the first power.Second power is knowledge. Knowledge is not just information. Information is just tiny part of knowledge. Information is there in computer/book , do they have the power of awareness? it is awakening which we call knowledge
In sanskrit there are two words - learning the skills - involves information/experience
2.diksha - that which removes ignorance/that which frees you from impurity
There are 3 levels of impurity.
1.physical level impurity /malla- imbalance in body. For knowledge to manifest we must have healthy system. can be done away with healthy food/proper exercise/yoga
2.Vikshepa - mental agony - imaginary difficulties in mind - can be done away by wisdom/looking at the cause of disturbance.
3.Avarna - certain veil on your consciousness/being - happens only through grace/blessings/good company.
Diksha happens at 3 levels
1. just in presence/vibrations
2 mantra - sahaj samadhi
3. that sense of deep connectivity to the divinity. you feel total oneness.
Only when we have both shiksha and diksha, the two aspects knowledge is complete. Such knowledge is power.Knowledge is level of awareness/quality of consciousness not just information.
Knowing that you don't know is also knowledge. When you realize the ignorance/that i don't know that is also knowledge.That brings humility in your consiousness.Life needs conviction of knowing and at the same it needs awareness of knowing i don't know. we need to simultaneously develop these 2 aspects that is the power of knowledge.
There are certain things which you don't know and you know that you don't know those things. There are certain things which you really don't know, you don't even know that you don't know it. Its very subtle.Our consciousness is very interesting field to explore as u dont know yourself.
Your 3 powers
Lord kartikeya is depicted with 6 heads - which is related to 5 senses and then 6th head is 6th phase - inner awareness. Peacock is associated with Kartikeya,which signified beauty.
Knowledge and wisdom brings beauty in one. When desires are sattvic , towards good for everyone, free from greed is beautiful.Peacock seldom open its feathers, similarly if you have wisdom it whenever opens up and shows it glory occasionally.
Saraswati is depicted with book in a hand (left brain) and has a musical instrument (right brain) and then rosary in other hand. Rosary depicts meditations. In life you need to have music, logic and meditation
Knowledge should bring bliss, makes you light, frees you. Keep moving forward, not stuck in past, taking life in totality, that is what is required.This can be achieved with knowledge. It can keep joy alive in you. If someone is miserable that means they are not utilizing knowledge power.
Just wake up and see everything is changing, you don't need to hold on to anything, something that remain unchanged , unblemished, ever shining ,eternal that is what you are.
Just drop all the words, even the words mentioned here, notice the stillness that stillness gives birth to wisdom, that is the container of the knowledge, that is the power.
Become aware about the strength the confirmed knowledge brings to you and at the same time become aware of your things you don't know (innocent blossoming of the consciousness). You don't know what will happen. This will free you from depression/anxiety. Confirmed knowledge and knowing what you don't know , both brings strength.