. But off lately, the prevailing myths about ghee have resulted into its minimal or no use. Ghee is given a step-motherly treatment in today’s India where it was lavishly used and surprisingly the cholesterol levels were never so high back then what are now despite no ghee intake.
Absolutely, we need to change our perception towards ghee by not considering it merely a saturated fat. Ghee is very essential for our body to function properly. For this very reason, Ayurveda has always promoted the use of ghee for reasons mentioned below.
1. Boon in Acidity
Ghee helps in reducing acidity by forming a line on the stomach wall and preventing the irritation. Make sure you add it to your daal or chapatti to enjoy a regular healthy intake in your daily diet.
Promotes Digestion
It promotes the digestive fire thereby helping you to digest your food properly. Also, a good digestion relieves the complaint of constipation which is quite a common problem these days, especially in winters.
2. Helpful in Joint Pains
In degenerative joint pains, it is essential to ensure regular intake of Ghee as it strengthens the bone and supporting tissues.
3. Good for Vision
Ghee is a preventive and also a curative aid to deteriorating vision. For clear vision and healthier eyes, it can be taken with triphala powder. Now you know why most of the kids these days have poor eyesight…their poor intake of ghee.
4. Promotes Mental Faculties
Ghee is very helpful in promoting learning, retaining and memorizing. Therefore, it keeps your child’s brain sharp and active. Ensure you supplement your child with optimum quantity of ghee.
Immunity Booster
Ghee is known to be a wonderful immunity booster as it is helpful in curtailing infection. The tradition of conducting homas at home with lavish use of ghee has proved to keep environment healthy and positive. Lightening a ghee diya in house is a tradition which again promotes health.
External Usage
It has a cooling effect therefore its application on a scald or a burn prevents the formation of blisters.
Looking into these benefits of ghee, it is suggested that we all must include ghee in our daily routine for a healthier life rather keeping it at an arm’s distance.
Always Remember…
Prefer drinking lukewarm water over ghee instead of plain or cold water. People suffering from diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol must consult an Ayurvedic physician to draw the benefits from ghee.
Dr Sandeep Jadhav Kalwa Thane India