Act wise - Eat Rice Devastating Diabetes
Act wise - Eat Rice
Devastating Diabetes
The deadly diabetes is increasing in India day by day. India currently represents 49% of the world’s diabetes burden, with an estimated 72 million cases in 2017 a figure expected to almost double to 134 million by 2025. Industrialization and globalization accelerated India’s growth from 1990 till today. As per data from World Bank; India’s per capita income has gone up by 340% since 1990 to 2016. Over the same time period diabetes patients have increased 123 %. So developing India is also Diabetic India. There are a number of reasons for this situation increased intake of processed food, heavy consumption of carbohydrates, sedentary lifestyle, mental stress, genetic traits of Indians are a few of them.
Rice is often blamed for increase in blood sugar levels due to its high Glycemic index (GI) & Glycemic load (GL). As a doctor I can clearly see increasing apprehension of peoples towards rice. Rice was first cultivated in India; it has been a staple food in most part of Asia for more than 2500 years. Still the number of diabetics in India was relatively low up to 25 years back. Then what is the reason that suddenly rice has become a villain ? Let’s try & find the truth with the help of Ayurved.
As stated earlier rice is a probable cause of diabetes due to its high GI & GL. As per Ayurved repeated intake of certain varieties of rice or few preparations of rice like Kheer & Kihchadi can lead to Prameh. (a disease having close resemblance with Diabetes) Ayueved says that anything that increases Kapha in body can cause Diabetes. So according to modern science rice causes diabetes due to its high GI while as per Ayurved rice increases Kapha in body so it can cause diabetes. If we can reduce the Kapha producing tendency of rice; we can avoid diabetes. For this we will have to follow ‘Ten principles’ of Ayurved while cooking rice.
Rice – Selection criteria
As per Charak Samhita varieties of rice having long grain and scent can cause Diabetes. So varieties like Basmati & Aambemohor are out of the question. Traditionally scented rice was eaten be once in a while during festive season. International Rice Research Institute & University of Queensland studied GI of 233 varieties of rice found worldwide. Dr M.A. Fitzgerald who was principal investigator of that research stated that “GI of the Swarna & Masoori varieties of rice that commonly consumed in India is around 55 while GI of Basmati is 68.” According to Ayurved local variety of food (cultivated in the region you are residing) help you keep healthy.
The crop that matures in short time period is easily digestible thus produces less Kapha. We used to get such varieties in Konkan region of Maharashtra. We hardly see it now days. It is a one of the side effects of globalization. Processes involved in removing husk of rice give known as polishing. It gives white colour to rice but takes away essential nutrients from it & causes Beriberi. Excessive polishing of rice also makes it heavy to digest. Earlier we Indians used to do parboiling of rice that saved us from Vitamin deficiencies. So the demand for less processed Brown Rice is increasing once again.
Earlier people used to store rice in their houses and then consume it after a year or so. Storage reduces water content in rice so it generates less quantity of Kapha. It is routine observation that rice prepared from fresh crop is sticky while old rice grains cook out beautifully where each grain is non-sticky and separate. We have given up our traditional storage of Rice. Such aged rice has been sold by few companies at high price. Here as well Ayurved gives you practical solution. If you heat rice for few minutes on a low flame; it will reduce the water content. So rice becomes easy to digest and produces less Kapha as well.
In a nut shell rice which is unscented, locally cultivated, fast maturing, stored for a year or heated on a low flame should be safe for Diabetics.
Operation Rice
Once we have selected the ideal variety now it’s time to launch ‘Operation Rice’. ‘Ashtang Hridaya’ written by Vagbhata decribes qualities of a good rice.
सुधौत: प्रस्रुत: स्विन्नोऽत्यक्तोष्मा च ओदनो लघुः I
यश्चाग्नेय औषध क्वाथसाधितो भृष्टतण्डुल: II
The rice which is सुधौत means properly washed प्रस्रुत means from which water is drained, स्विन्न means completely cooked & which is served warm is easy to digest. The rice processed with digestive medicines is also digested easily.
सुधौत – It is essential to wash rice twice before cooking. Arsenic is a toxic substance which is found in traces in rice. Proper washing helps in removal of Arsenic from rice. It is essential to soak rice for 15 – 20 minutes before cooking as it reduces the cooking time considerably.
प्रस्रुत, स्विन्न – The method of rice preparation is mentioned in details in ‘Bhavprksah Samhita.’ Uniform heat is essential for proper cooking of food. Earthen pot is best option to fulfill this purpose. Nowadays we get attractive and durable earthen pots in market which should be considered ideal. Brass utensil with thick base is also another good option.
First take five times water than rice. Wait till the water starts boiling. Add prewashed & soaked rice to it. Wait for few minutes. While we cook rice starch in rice undergoes a process called Gelatinization. Gelatinization increases GI of rice. Longer the time taken for cooking higher the gelatinization. In the method told in Ayurved first we boil the water then we add rice to it. So time required for cooking is limited so less gelatinization thus less GI. Once we are sure that rice is cooked properly then discontinue heat & drain the excess water (Kanji) and put a lid. This will help the grains to separate. We get rid of the excess starch by draining the excess water. So now we have less sticky rice with less GI. The drained water i.e. Kanji can be given to small children. We have given up this classical way of cooking after introduction of pressure cookers which resulted in increase in number of diabetics. It is impossible to remove Kanji when you cook in pressure cooker so rice becomes stickier.
If we cook rice with some spices that help in digestion it becomes easy to digest. So Ayurved advices to use spices like Black pepper, Cinnamon & Turmeric while cooking rice. Black pepper can be used for people who feel bloated after having rice; those who have respiratory issues can add cinnamon and diabetics or pre diabetics can add turmeric. In southern India rice is eaten in both the meals so they put black pepper even in Idli. Rice should be consumed when it is warm.
If you will follow these simple measures while cooking rice you should not worry about diabetes.
So there is no harm in getting second opinion of Ayurved before putting a ban on rice; because Ayureved says Act wise & Eat rice.
© Dr Pushkar Puruhottam Wagh
MD (Ayurved)
Ayush Ayueved Clinic,
A - 5, Palm View, RX -37,
MIDC, Dombivli (East)
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