You are complete. You are total. You are free right now.
Patanjali Yog Sutras Chapter 5 -
You are complete. You are total .You are free right now.
Just go back in the flow of events. What was happening? Events are happening. We were happy, unhappy, we danced, we laughed we cried. Is it there now? What happened a month ago? Where were we a month ago? What happened 2 months ago? 2 years ago? Is it all not a dream till this moment? Could not this be a dream? In next half hour one hour we will be somewhere else. Another 1 month 2 month 6 months it is all finished. Is it not like a dream Is it not like a movie.
Events move but it gives us an impression in the mind they are so big. Photography in our mind gives you an illusion that it is big. Where is this universe? Where is the society? Where is our life? What is it that we are hanging on to? Oh I want this. I don’t want this. What is it that you dislike? What is it that you crave for? Fleeting impressions in the mind come and vanish multiple times. Those moments the impressions stay in that photographic mind we are not able to see anything clearly. When we think what happened yesterday what so and so said yesterday we are unable to perceive.
The world is in our memory. When several pictures are taken in the same film. Mind has become multiple exposure. The film does not mean anything it is all a mess.
The mind is imposed by so many impression. We are exposing over and over again. Wake up and see all that has been. It is dream it is finished it is not right now. When we can see the entire events as fleeting we remain untouched by them then we are happy.
Gurudev told Story of the rope in the night appearing to be snake and when the sun came out the entire forest was filled with flowers and fruits. In the same way when you see the whole world as a flow of events as temporary as non existent then the events don’t matter. Life becomes a game a celebration.
Walk blissfully breathe blissfully knowing all these are events. We are unhappy some tightness happens in the body. If we just observe that very thing flips over it is just tantalising simulating. One can laugh even at that painful event.
Deep inside we may sometimes have an intense sensation that creates pain. Observing it flips over and creates a different dimension.
What we think in our mind someday in future I should be liberated. If you encourage this thought that I am bound I will be bound and someday in future I will be free. Forget about it. What are we bound with events happenings?
We are free right now. As you sow so shall you reap. What ever thought we have encouraged we are moving in that direction. Source of action is thought. Source of thought is yourself. You think you are bound you are small. You are another worm creature on the world. Then you remain so. But if you see yourself as part of the divinity. Wake up and see you are infinite sense.
Today's take away :We r not bound for anything. We r free right now. We may die in no time. When we grow old , then we don't know, what we r doing. Other people will take care of us. If we feel free now itself, we r free. But if we feel bound for some Dream, or something or Some right person, we r bound. Feel that we r complete n free . By knowledge we can remove our ignorance. We r infinite self. Only we r overshadowed by events , like clouds cover the Sun sometimes. They cannot do anything to Sun. In same way through knowledge we can remove the impressions of the events. They can't stay so long like the clouds. So we should not overshadow ourselves with the events. They come n go like happenings. We r witness of all the events. Jai Gurudev
Important Pointer are as follows
1. What happens to the picture taken with dual exposure camera. It's not clear, right. Our mind is usually multi exposured, so it's picture is not clear.
2. When we observe the intense sensation ( even of pain), it flips away and turns into bliss.
3. Snake and the rope story.
4. You are free right now. If you feel you ar free, you are free. If you feel you are bound, you are bound. Like there's is a saying "As you sow, you shall reap".
5. Source of your action is your thought. Source of your thought is your self. Watch your thoughts.
6. See yourself as part of the divinity.
7. Guru is the refection of what you are. Even guru makes us understand, everyone is the reflection of what we are.
8. You are complete. You are total right now.
9. All sadhna and practices is to remove ignorance. Due to lack of words, we say we are improving or growing but actually it's to remove the ignorance, not to grow or improve.
10. Once someone asked Buddha, what did you gained from enlightenment. Buddha said, "I didn't gained anything but I lost everything". It's the game of losing.
11. If you open your hand, the whole sky is in your hand.
If you close your fist, even the air cannot enter, leave alone the diamonds. Sadhna and practices are the processes to open your hand.
12. Only you are there, no two. You and you alone.
13. We dislike something only when we start liking something and we like something only we start disliking something. See beyond these likes and dislikes. See the purna, some total of all.
14. You can surely have your preferences, but something opposite should not throw off your pedestal.
15. Food impacts our actions. Some days when we eat sugar or jaggery in morning, it will definitely increase our activity. Food impacts a lot.
16. In the body mind complex, actions are inbuilt. More sattvic you are, more sattvic actions happen through you.