Sacrifice makes you sacred
An Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker
113. Sacrifice
Sacrifice is letting go of an attachment which gives you pleasure– for something bigger that would bring good.
Sacrifice brings strength in life. Life without sacrifice is stagnant. Sacrifice gives you a quantum leap to a higher pedestal.
Often people think sacrifice makes life dull and joyless. In fact, it is sacrifice that makes life worth living. The amount of sacrifice in your life brings out your magnanimity and helps you move out of misery.
A life without sacrifice is worth nothing. Zeal, enthusiasm, strength and joy are all connected to sacrifice.
*Question:* Some people say, 'I have sacrificed so much', and complain.
*Gurudev:* That is good. The thought of sacrifice has given them strength – to complain! This saves them from blaming themselves, otherwise they would be more depressed.
Sacrifice never goes unrewarded. There can be no love, no wisdom, no true joy without sacrifice.
*Sacrifice makes you sacred.*
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar