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Embracing Life's Journey with Equanimity

Do not cling to desires, nor shed tears over them, Take life as it comes, and let go of the whim. Wanting no desires is just another desire's sway, Be content, be centered, and seize the day. In the stillness of meditation, find your peaceful nest, A place where desires and worries are laid to rest. Let go of attachments, and let life unfold, Embracing each moment, young and old. Be satisfied with what is, and what's yet to be, Content in the knowledge that life's journey is free. Centered in the present, let go of the past, And welcome each new moment, with love that will last. May meditation guide you on this journey so fine, To a life of balance, harmony, and peace divine. May you walk in equanimity, with heart full of cheer, And may your spirit soar, without a single fear.

स्वयं में सुधार, दूसरों पर दोष नहीं

उस काम को, जिसे तुम दूसरे व्यक्ति में बुरा समझते हो, स्वयं त्याग दो परंतु दूसरों पर दोष मत लगाओ। अपने आप में सुधार करो, अपने विचारों को बदलो, और दूसरों को भी इसी राह पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करो। आयुर्वेद की शक्ति से हमारा जीवन स्वस्थ होगा, और सुखी जीवन की ओर हम बढ़ेंगे। अच्छा जीवन, स्वस्थ जीवन, यही है हमारा लक्ष्य, आयुर्वेद की राह पर चलकर, हम इसे प्राप्त करेंगे। तो आइए, आयुर्वेद को अपनाएं, और स्वस्थ और सुखी जीवन की ओर बढ़ें। स्वयं में सुधार करो, और दूसरों को भी प्रेरित करो, और एक स्वस्थ और सुखी समाज का निर्माण करो।

इच्छा और मंजिल

एक इच्छा तुम्हें मंजिल तक पहुंचा देगी, लेकिन अनेक इच्छाएं तुम्हें मंजिल से भटका देगी। तो ध्यान करो, और अपनी इच्छाओं को नियंत्रित करो, और अपने लक्ष्यों की ओर बढ़ने के लिए एकाग्र रहो। एक इच्छा ही तुम्हारी मंजिल की ओर ले जा सकती है, लेकिन अनेक इच्छाएं तुम्हें भ्रमित कर देंगी। तो अपनी इच्छाओं को सीमित करो, और एकाग्र रहो, और अपने लक्ष्यों की ओर बढ़ने के लिए ध्यान करो। ध्यान की शक्ति से तुम अपनी इच्छाओं को नियंत्रित कर सकते हो, और अपने लक्ष्यों की ओर बढ़ने के लिए एकाग्र रह सकते हो। तो ध्यान करो, और अपनी इच्छाओं को सीमित करो, और अपने लक्ष्यों की ओर बढ़ने के लिए आगे बढ़ो।

Worry Less, Live More.

Relax, Meditate, and Let Go. What worries weigh upon your mind? Money, opinion, prestige, or health left behind? These four fears that trouble and await, Will vanish one day, so why worry and hesitate? Look back, dear one, to ten years past, Didn't you worry, and yet, you're still here to last? Five years ago, didn't fear creep in? Yet, here you stand, alive and breathing within. Three years back, worries swirled, a toxic storm, But did they serve you? Or did they leave you torn? Life moves on, regardless, don't you see? So let go, dear heart, and be free. Be Relaxed. Do Meditation. Let go of the stress, And find your inner peace, where happiness rests. Worry Less,Live More is a reminder to you, To see life's bigger picture, and let worries flee anew. Question-and Answer  Q: What are the four main things that people worry about? A: The four main things that people worry about are money, relationships, prestige, and health. Q: Is worrying about these things necessary...

Empower Yourself Believe in Your Inner Strength.

Inner Stillness Transforming Your Life with Meditation Nobody but you, can achieve your dreams Nobody but you, can make your heart beam Don't rely on others, to make your way You have the power, to seize the day You are your own strength, your own guiding light You are your own shelter, in the darkest night Don't look to others, to fight your battles bold You have the courage, to unfold Do daily meditation, to connect with your soul Realize your true nature, happy, beautiful, and whole True peace starts from within, and radiates out wide Calm your heart, and center yourself, let peace be your guide Inner stillness with meditation, transforms everything anew Bringing beauty, harmony, and peace, to all you do So look within, and trust yourself today You have the power, to find your way.  Question and Answer: Q: Who is responsible for achieving your goals? A: Nobody but you. Q: Who can protect you against all difficulties? A: Nobody but you. Q: Who will always be on yo...

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