The true yogis identify themselves with Brahman and keep themselves naturally engaged in the service of all beings
Karma Sanyasa Yoga Chapter 5, Verse 25 labhante brahma-nirvāṇam ṛṣayaḥ kṣīṇa kalmaṣāḥ chinna-dvaidhā yatātmanaḥ sarva bhūta hite ratāḥ The sages whose minds are well directed within, who are free from the pairs of opposites, become cleansed of all impurities and attain the bliss of the Brahman; they are devoted to the welfare of all beings. “The sages who are free from the pairs of opposites…” The sages are free from opposites ‘good’ and ‘bad’, pleasure and pain, free from ignorance, and “…are devoted to the welfare of all beings.” Here again, Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna that when the sages attain Realisation, when they perceive the inner Light of Brahman within their Self, they realise that Brahman is the only reality and become devoted to “the welfare of all beings”. They become a lantern which guides others out of this ocean of misery. Having perceived the Light of Brahman within, you are “cleansed of all impurities”. You beco...