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The supreme status attained by yogis is, attained by the gyanis as well. Only those who see Yoga and Sankhya as one are the True philosophers

योगात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं ज्ञानाद्योगः प्रजायते । योगज्ञानाभियुक्तस्य नावाप्यं विद्यते क्वचित् ॥ ~ Through yoga knowledge is attained and knowledge is attained by yoga. Nothing remains unattainable for a seeker with yoga and knowledge. यदेव योगिनो याति सांख्यं तदभिगम्यते । एकं सांख्यं च योगं च यः पश्यति स तत्त्ववित् ॥ ~ The supreme status attained by yogis is, attained by the gyanis as well. Only those who see Yoga and Sankhya as one are the True philosophers. अन्ये च योगिनो वत्स ऐश्वर्यासक्तचेतसः । मज्जान्ति तत्र तत्रैव सत्वात्मैक्यमिति श्रुतिः ॥ ~ O son! Other (not genuine) yogis are attached-minded to wealth and they perish in that. Shruti says that the realization of the oneness of the soul is the ultimate attainment. यत्तत्सर्वगतं दिव्यमैश्वर्यमचलं महत् । ज्ञानयोगाभियुक्तस्तु देहान्ते तदवाप्नुयात् ॥ ~ At the time of death, the gyan yogi attains that omnipresent, divine, great, immutable divine status. एष आत्माहमव्यक्तो मायावी परमेश्वरः । कीर्तितः सर्ववेदेषु सर्वात्मा सर्वतोमुखः ॥सर्वक...

When Yogi starts seeing all beings within himself and himself in all, then he attains the Brahman state.

यथा स्वप्रभया केवलः स्फटिकोपलः । भाति उपाधिहीनो विमलस्तथैवात्मा प्रकाशते ॥ ~ Just as a crystal-gem is illumined by its own (clean) radiance, similarly the aatman, which is pure, without any upadhi remains self-illuminated. ज्ञानस्वरूपमेवाहुर्जगदेतद्विचक्षणाः अर्थस्वरूपमेवाज्ञाः पश्यन्त्यन्ये कुबुद्धयः ॥  ~ Intelligent people call this world as the form of knowledge (appearance), but the retarded (fool) consider it to be real (true). कूटस्थो निर्गुणो व्यापी चैतन्यात्मा स्वभावतः । दृश्यते ह्यरूपेण पुरुषैर्भ्रान्तदृष्टिभिः ॥ २९ ॥ यथा संलक्ष्यते व्यक्तः केवलः स्फटिको जनैः । रक्तिकाव्यवधानेन तद्वत्परमपूरुषः ॥ ३० ~ To the delusional people, the kutastha, nirguna, all-pervading in nature, the atma-tattva in the form of consciousness also appears like a substance. Just as people see even a pure crystal stone as red due to contact with a red substance, similarly there is a misconception about the atma tattva. तस्मादात्माक्षरः शुद्धो नित्यः सर्वगतोऽव्ययः ।उपासितव्यो मन्तव्यः श्रोतव्यश्च मुमु...

When he attains the knowledge of the supreme Brahman, which is the only medicine for birth, old age, sorrow, disease, etc., then that yogi attains in the form of Brahman.

यदा सर्वाणि भूतानि स्वात्मन्येवाभि पश्यति । एकीभूतः परेणासौ तदा भवति केवलः ॥ ~ When he sees other beings and things in his aatma, then that yogi, who is one with the Supreme Soul, having no control by others, attains the Kevali Bhav. यदा सर्वे प्रमुच्यन्ते कामा येऽस्य हृदि स्थिताः । तदासावमृतीभूतः क्षेमं गच्छति पण्डितः ~ When all desires vanish from the heart of that yogi, then he attains the wisdom of immortality and becomes partaker of the supreme welfare. यदा भूतपृथग्भावमेकस्थमनुपश्यति । तत एव च विस्तारं ब्रह्म सम्पद्यते तदा ॥ ~ When the yogi has a vision of oneness of various beings, then the same (vision) expands and he attains the brahman consciousness. यदा पश्यति चात्मानं केवलं परमार्थतः । मायामात्रं जगत्कृत्स्नं तदा भवति निर्वृतः ॥ ~ When the yogi truly begins to see only the existence of the aatma and knows about the illusion of the whole (external) world, then he attains supreme peace. यदा जन्मजरादुःखव्याधीनामेकभेषजम् । केवलं ब्रह्मविज्ञानं जायतेऽसौ तदा शिवः ॥ ~ When he attai...

Knowledge is covered by ignorance in the world, because of which attachment arises in people.

तस्माद्विज्ञानमेवास्ति न प्रपञ्चो न संस्थितिः । अज्ञानेनावृतं लोके विज्ञानं तेन मुह्यति ॥ ~ Therefore (in reality) the existence of knowledge alone is there, neither is there any condition of Prapanchk nor of creation. Knowledge is covered by ignorance in the world, because of which attachment arises in people. तज्ज्ञानं निर्मलं सूक्ष्मं अज्ञानमिति तत्सर्वं विज्ञानमिति मे निर्विकल्पं यदव्ययम् । मतम् ॥ ~ That knowledge is pure, subtle, nirvikalpa and imperishable, all the rest (visible prapancha) is mere ignorance. The original authority is of gyana - this is my opinion एतत्ते परमं सांख्यं भाषितं ज्ञानमुत्तमम् । सर्ववेदान्तसारं हि योगस्तत्रैकचित्तता ॥ ~ I have told you this perfect Sankhya form of supreme knowledge. This is the essence of all Vedanta and having a single-mindedness in it is yoga. Sri Rama Gita

Jivan-Mukta Muni sees the Atma as without any fault, without any sorrow, the Form of supreme bliss and without any changes.

तथा प्रकाशतमसो सम्बन्धो नोपपद्यते । तद्वदेव न सम्बन्धः प्रपञ्चपरमात्मनोः ॥ ~ Just as the relation between light and darkness is not possible, similarly the relation between God and the (worldly) fuss is also not possible. छायातरू यथा लोके परस्परविलक्षणौ । तद्वत्प्रपञ्चपुरुषौ विभिन्नौ परमार्थतः ॥ ~ Just as the tree and its shadow in the world are two different things, so the Supreme Soul and the Prapancha are completely different from each other. यद्यात्मा मलिनोऽस्वस्थो विकारी स्यात्स्वभावतः । नहि तस्य भवेन्मुक्तिर्जन्मान्तरशतैरपि ॥ ~ If the soul is by nature impure, unhealthy and disorderly, then its liberation will not be possible even in hundreds of births. पश्यन्ति मुनयो मुक्ताः स्वात्मानं परमार्थतः । विकारहीनं निर्दुःखमानन्दात्मानमव्ययम् ॥ ~ But the Jivan-Mukta Muni sees the Atma as without any fault, without any sorrow, the Form of supreme bliss and without any changes. Sri Rama Gita

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