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In 80 days, liver cancer cured Hindi | Miracle Drinks - TESTIMONIAL

  In 80 days, liver cancer cured Hindi | Miracle Drinks -  Mrs Sanju Tripathi/ 54 years. A beneficiary of the Miracle Drinks treatment protocol for cancer patients. Successfully came out of Liver Cancer. Her son in a dialogue with Dr SM Raju, an eminent medicinal herbal plants scientist and inventor for the Miracle Drinks herbal decorations that address serious and chronic ailments. #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keep...


  Treatment protocol for Liver Cirrhosis_ #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledr...

There is no Maya or world, no attachment or detachment, no living beings or that God for forever pure Self.॥11॥

क्व माया क्व च संसारः क्व प्रीतिर्विरतिः क्व वा। क्व जीवः क्व च तद्ब्रह्म सर्वदा विमलस्य मे॥२०- ११॥ सदा विशुद्ध मेरे लिया क्या माया है और क्या संसार, क्या प्रीति है और क्या विरति, क्या जीव है और क्या वह ब्रह्म॥११॥ There is no Maya or world, no attachment or detachment, no living beings or that God for forever pure Self.॥11॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For me who is forever unmovable and indivisible, established in Self, there is no tendency or renunciation, no liberation or bondage.॥12॥

क्व प्रवृत्तिर्निर्वृत्तिर्वा क्व मुक्तिः क्व च बन्धनं। कूटस्थनिर्विभागस्य स्वस्थस्य मम सर्वदा॥२०- १२॥ अचल, विभागरहित और सदा स्वयं में स्थित मेरे लिए क्या प्रवृत्ति है और क्या निवृत्ति, क्या मुक्ति है और क्या बंधन॥१२॥ For me who is forever unmovable and indivisible, established in Self, there is no tendency or renunciation, no liberation or bondage.॥12॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Established as non-dual reality, there is no creation or annihilation, what is to be achieved or what are the means, who is seeker and what is achievement.॥7॥

क्व सृष्टिः क्व च संहारः क्व साध्यं क्व च साधनं। क्व साधकः क्व सिद्धिर्वा स्वस्वरूपेऽहमद्वये॥२०- ७॥ अपने अद्वय (दूसरे से रहित) स्वरुप में स्थित मेरे लिए क्या सृष्टि है और क्या प्रलय, क्या साध्य है और क्या साधन, कौन साधक है और क्या सिद्धि है॥७॥ Established as non-dual reality, there is no creation or annihilation, what is to be achieved or what are the means, who is seeker and what is achievement.॥7॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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