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The wise man excels in being without the sense of 'me'. Earth, a stone or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness.॥88॥

निर्ममः शोभते धीरः समलोष्टाश्मकांचनः। सुभिन्नहृदयग्रन्थि- र्विनिर्धूतरजस्तमः॥१८- ८८॥ धीर पुरुष की ह्रदय ग्रंथि खुल जाती है, रज और तम नष्ट हो जाते हैं। वह मिट्टी के ढ़ेले, पत्थर और सोने को समान दृष्टि से देखता है, ममता रहित वह सुशोभित होता है॥८८॥ The wise man excels in being without the sense of 'me'. Earth, a stone or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness.॥88॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Who can compare with that contented, liberated soul who pays no regard to anything and has no desire left in his heart?॥89॥

सर्वत्रानवधानस्य न किंचिद् वासना हृदि। मुक्तात्मनो वितृप्तस्य तुलना केन जायते॥१८- ८९॥ जो इस दृश्य प्रपंच पर ध्यान नहीं देता, आत्म तृप्त है, जिसके ह्रदय में जरा सी भी कामना नहीं होती - ऐसे मुक्तात्मा की तुलना किसके साथ की जा सकती है॥८९॥ Who can compare with that contented, liberated soul who pays no regard to anything and has no desire left in his heart?॥89॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥

जानन्नपि न जानाति पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति। ब्रुवन्न् अपि न च ब्रूते कोऽन्यो निर्वासनादृते॥१८- ९०॥ कामनारहित धीर के अतिरिक्त ऐसा और कौन है जो जानते हुए भी न जाने, देखते हुए भी न देखे और बोलते हुए भी न बोले॥ ९०॥ Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Let his body rise or fall. The great souled one gives it no thought, having forgotten all about samsara in coming to rest on the ground of his true nature.॥86॥

पततूदेतु वा देहो नास्य चिन्ता महात्मनः। स्वभावभूमिविश्रान्ति- विस्मृताशेषसंसृतेः॥१८- ८६॥ जो अपने आत्मस्वरुप में विश्राम करते हुए सभी प्रपंचों का नाश कर चुका है, उस महात्मा को शरीर रहे अथवा नष्ट हो जाये - ऐसी चिंता भी नहीं होती॥८६॥ Let his body rise or fall. The great souled one gives it no thought, having forgotten all about samsara in coming to rest on the ground of his true nature.॥86॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The wise man has the joy of being complete in himself and without possessions, acting as he pleases, free from duality and rid of doubts, and without attachment to any creature.॥87॥

अकिंचनः कामचारो निर्द्वन्द्वश्छिन्नसंशयः। असक्तः सर्वभावेषु केवलो रमते बुधः॥१८- ८७॥ ज्ञानी पुरुष संग्रह रहित, स्वच्छंद, निर्द्वन्द्व और संशय रहित होता है। वह किसी भाव में आसक्त नहीं होता। वह तो केवल आनंद से विहार करता है ॥८७॥ The wise man has the joy of being complete in himself and without possessions, acting as he pleases, free from duality and rid of doubts, and without attachment to any creature.॥87॥ Ashtavakra Gita

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