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Even when doing nothing the ignorant one is agitated by restlessness, while a yogi remains undisturbed even when doing what there is to do.॥58॥

अकुर्वन्नपि संक्षोभाद् व्यग्रः सर्वत्र मूढधीः। कुर्वन्नपि तु कृत्यानि कुशलो हि निराकुलः॥१८- ५८॥ अज्ञानी पुरुष कुछ न करते हुए भी क्षोभवश सदा व्यग्र ही रहता है। योगी पुरुष बहुत से कार्य करता हुआ भी शांत रहता है॥५८॥ Even when doing nothing the ignorant one is agitated by restlessness, while a yogi remains undisturbed even when doing what there is to do.॥58॥ Ashtavakra Gita

A man who is at peace stands happily, sits happily, sleeps happily,comes and goes happily, speaks happily and eats happily.

सुखमास्ते सुखं शेते सुखमायाति याति च। सुखं वक्ति सुखं भुंक्ते व्यवहारेऽपि शान्तधीः॥१८- ५९॥ शांत बुद्धि वाला पुरुष सुख से बैठता है, सुख से सोता है, सुख से आता-जाता है, सुख से बोलता है और सुख से ही खाता है॥५९॥ A man who is at peace stands happily, sits happily, sleeps happily,comes and goes happily, speaks happily and eats happily. Ashtavakra Gita

He who by his very nature feels no unhappiness in his daily life like worldly people, remains undisturbed like a great lake, all sorrow gone.॥60॥

स्वभावाद्यस्य नैवार्ति- र्लोकवद् व्यवहारिणः। महाहृद इवाक्षोभ्यो गतक्लेशः स शोभते॥१८- ६०॥ जो बड़े सरोवर के समान शांत है और लौकिक आचरण करते हुए जिसको अन्य लोगों के समान दुःख नहीं होता, वह दुःख रहित ज्ञानी शोभित होता है॥६०॥ He who by his very nature feels no unhappiness in his daily life like worldly people, remains undisturbed like a great lake, all sorrow gone.॥60॥      Ashtavakra Gita

Even when pleased he is not pleased, not suffering even when in pain. Only those like him can know the wonderful state of such a man.॥56॥

सन्तुष्टोऽपि न सन्तुष्टः खिन्नोऽपि न च खिद्यते। तस्याश्चर्यदशां तां तादृशा एव जानते॥१८- ५६॥ लौकिक दृष्टि से प्रसन्न दिखने पर वह प्रसन्न नहीं होता और दुखी दिखने पर दुखी नहीं होता। उसकी उस आश्चर्यमय दशा को उसके समान लोग ही जान सकते हैं॥५६॥ Even when pleased he is not pleased, not suffering even when in pain. Only those like him can know the wonderful state of such a man.॥56॥ Ashtavakra Gita

It is the sense of responsibility which is samsara. The wise who are of the form of emptiness, formless, unchanging and spotless see no such thing.॥57॥

॥कर्तव्यतैव संसारो न तां पश्यन्ति सूरयः। शून्याकारा निराकारा निर्विकारा निरामयाः॥१८- ५७॥ कर्तव्य बुद्धि का नाम ही संसार है, विद्वान लोग उस कर्तव्यता को नहीं देखते क्योंकि उनकी बुद्धि शून्याकार, निराकार, निर्विकार और निरामय होती है॥५७॥ It is the sense of responsibility which is samsara. The wise who are of the form of emptiness, formless, unchanging and spotless see no such thing.॥57॥ Ashtavakra Gita

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