Remove your focus from anything and everything and do not think in your heart. You are soul and free by your very nature, what is there to think in it? ॥20॥
त्यजैव ध्यानं सर्वत्र मा किंचिद् हृदि धारय। आत्मा त्वं मुक्त एवासि किं विमृश्य करिष्यसि॥१५- २०॥ सभी स्थानों से अपने ध्यान को हटा लो और अपने हृदय में कोई विचार न करो। तुम आत्मरूप हो और मुक्त ही हो, इसमें विचार करने की क्या आवश्यकता है॥२०॥ Remove your focus from anything and everything and do not think in your heart. You are soul and free by your very nature, what is there to think in it? ॥20॥ Ashtavakra Gita