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What is the best way to introduce them to a spiritual course without having this fear?

Question - Gurudev, there are many smart people in my company. Now when I introduce a spiritual course to these smart souls, I fear they would get awakened and may start feeling a dispassion for business, and the true meaning of life would attract them elsewhere. I would like to bring this program to the corporate world. So what is the best way to introduce them to something like this without having this fear? Gurudev Sri Sri - Actually, what The Art of Living gives in this course is something to develop their personalities. Their sharpness of intellect, calmness of their mind, and to bring an inspiration from within. That is what we focus on. So, you can be assured that they won't run away, or become dispassionate. Millions of people have done this course, we have not seen anyone run away. Otherwise World Bank would not have taken this program as a part of their leadership seminars. It all depends on how you present the inner calmness. I understand when you say your inner calmness...

In pain and problem which is why he is not able to communicate with me or anyone. What do I do?

Question - Gurudev, I try communicating with my father, I try to talk to him but he acts freaky. He gets high and creates chaos. I do not know what to do and how to communicate with him. I know he is in lot of pain and problem which is why he is not able to communicate with me or anyone. What do I do? Gurudev Sri Sri - Win him over with love. You know sometime you should walk the same path as the ones who create chaos and then slowly make them understand and change. Just do this, do not oppose him for two days and do whatever he says. Give him so much love that he will melt. Did you understand? Did you get what I mean? Have you tried this way? (Devotee - Gurudev, I have tried talking to him but it does not work) Talking is not good, have you asked him, 'Papa, what do you want? What can I do for you?' Have you asked him that? (Devotee - No, I have not) See, not once you have asked him, 'Papa, what do you want? What can I do for you?' Now go and ask him this? Do you know ...

What to do when our mind plays tricks. Please guide us?

Question - Gurudev, what to do when our mind plays tricks. Please guide us? Gurudev Sri Sri - Just let it be. That is the secret to handle the mind. Just let it be. That is the secret to handle the mind. If you try to get rid of the mind, it becomes a monster. If you just let the mind be, it will vanish. When you are not aware of the tricks and the mumbo jumbo going on in the mind, then life is misery. This is because life is based on the mind. When you recognise that all this is in my mind (judging people and situations, holding concepts about the self and others), you recognize that you are making a mess of everything in your mind. 'This is how it should be', or, 'It should not be like this', whenever such thoughts come, it means the mind is coming into play; this is all part of the world. This is where you need to latch onto that non changing, abstract, invisible energy or power. When you latch onto it, you are no longer caught in the grip of the mind. When we are in...

What is heaven and what is enlightenment?

Question - Gurudev, what is heaven and what is enlightenment? Gurudev Sri Sri - You still have a lot of time left to know about heaven. There is no use in knowing about heaven now otherwise there will not be any excitement left when you actually get there. But it is important to understand enlightenment now. When you feel content you are enlightened. When everything feels like a dream you are enlightened. Just tell me, whatever has happened so far in your life, does it not seem more like a dream? You went to school, then college, got married, so many events took place in your life, all that is like a dream now. Isn't it? Now you are sitting here among so many people, does this not seem like a dream? After today, many days and many years are going to come and pass and eventually we are all going to die, then will it not seem like a dream? If you look into the past or the future or if you decide to wake up to the present everything will still feel like a dream, you will realise you a...

How can I get more happiness and joy from everywhere?

Question - Gurudev, how can I get more happiness and joy from everywhere? Gurudev Sri Sri - This race for more and more is killing us. More and more and more, how can I get more? Relax, my dear. We don't even have enough time to enjoy what we have. We should think how we can be more useful to the society, how can we serve more? One who is always thinking of getting something is like a beggar. Everything comes to the one who thinks how she/he can contribute more to the society. There won't be any shortage for such a person.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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