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Weekly Knowledge 242 Bangalore 24 Feb 2000 India SKILL IN PRAISING Often, when you praise, you praise in comparison to someone else. In order to praise one person, we put down someone else and when we want to point out somebody's mistake we praise another. Some are stingy in praising, and some are shy. And some others are simply not used to. Some praise with motives, and some others just to elevate. Others praise themselves in order to hide their low self-esteem. The real praise dawns in a blossomed state of consciousness. The praise that comes out of an elevated state of consciousness is simply its nature and is quite different. Normally praise comes out of craving and pride. The praise from a heightened consciousness is always out of fulfilment. Praising can no doubt elevate the consciousness and bring enthusiasm and energy. At the same time it can also bring arrogance. Praising is a skill. When someone praises you, do you take it without shying away? Accepting praise...


Weekly Knowledge 244 Rishikesh 09 Mar 2000 India FORM AND FORMLESS, AND AGGRESSION AND INTUITION A: Form and Formless Life is a combination of form and formless. Feelings have no form but their expressions have form. The Self has no form but its abode has form. Similarly, wisdom and grace have no form but are expressed through form. Discarding the formless, you become inert, materialistic and paranoid. Discarding the form, you become a lost ascetic, a space cadet or an emotional junk! B: Aggression and Intuition Aggression and assertiveness overshadow intuition. Often, people who are sensitive tend to become aggressive in order to avoid being hurt. In this process, they lose sight of the fine intuition. Fine intuition needs sensitivity; sensitivity is often painful. In order to avoid pain one becomes aggressive and assertive, and in turn loses one's intuitive ability. Intuition is close to the truth. To be truthful, you don't need to be aggressive and asser...


Weekly Knowledge 247 Delhi 29 Mar 2000  India HOW TO HANDLE FEVERISHNESS When you're in the grip of feverishness about the result of your actions, what do you do? Faith: Have faith and confidence that the result will be much better than you can ever imagine. With faith you can get rid of feverishness of action/achievement. Feverishness can also be a hangover from overactivity. Then sleep, listening to flute music, cold water baths, etc. can help. Dispassion: Know the whole thing will be over one way or the other, and it doesn't matter. Meditation and breathing can calm you down. Drop whatever you are doing and do something completely irrelevant, e.g. while decorating your house, take a moment off to cut grass, or go shopping! When you are doing something very important, take a moment off to do something totally irrelevant and insignificant. This enhances your creativity. Relevant action keeps you bound to the action. Irrelevant action makes life a game! 🌸Jai Guru D...


Weekly Knowledge 249 Bangalore Ashram 13 Apr 2000  India RAM NAVAMI "Ra" in Sanskrit means "That which is Radiant" and "Ma" stands for "Myself". That which shines forth within me, is Rama. That which is radiant in every particle of the Being is Rama. Rama is born to Dasharatha and Kaushalya. Dasharatha (In Sanskrit this means "the ten charioted one") signifies the five organs of sense and the five organs of action. Kaushalya (Sanskrit for "skilled") stands for skill. The skillful reiner of the ten chariots can give birth to Ram. When the ten are used skillfully, radiance is born within. Rama was born in Ayodhya (Sanskrit for "the place where no war can happen"). When there is no conflict in our mind, then the radiance can dawn. Lakshmana, the brother of Rama, was born of Sumitra the good friend. When the ten are cooperating with you then Awareness is born. Often we try to look for radiance within. Just re...


Weekly Knowledge 248 Dharamshala, Himachal 06 Apr 2000 India HOW DOES A DESIRE ARISE? 1. A desire arises with the memory of a pleasant experience and past impressions. 2. A desire might arise through listening. 3. A desire can be triggered through the association of certain people and a place. 4. Someone else's need or desire may manifest in you as your own desire, e.g. when someone is hungry, you get a desire to feed them or someone wants to talk to you and you get a desire to talk to them. 5. The destiny or a happening in which you have a part to play may trigger a desire of which you have no idea. For example, a gentleman in Quebec, Canada kept making roads and working on a farm for 30 years, not knowing for what -- for it was destined to become our Canadian Ashram. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २४८ ७ अप्रैल, २००० धर्मशाला, भारत इच्छा कैसे पैदा होती है? किसी सुखद अनुभव की स्मृति या पिछले संस्करण के प्रभाव से इच्छा पैदा होती है। कुछ सुनने से भी इच्छा जागृत...

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