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The Graceful Spurge , Euphorbia hypericifolia

🌿The Graceful Spurge (Euphorbia hypericifolia) is a herbaceous plant from the family Euphorbiaceae, native to tropical America. 🌿Often considered a weed, it is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant. 🌿The elliptical leaves are arranged in opposite pairs and have minutely toothed margins. The leaves initially taste sweet but have a harsh aftertaste.Must not be eaten as most plants from Euphorbia genus exude toxic latex, which irritates and inflames skin upon touch  💐 Unisexual flowers are arranged in inflorescences known as a cyathium. A cyathium is composed of 1 tiny female flower surrounded by several male flowers. The cyathia are grouped together in a head  🍏The fruit is a trilobed, dry, dehiscent capsule. Each producing 3 greyish purple seeds. 🌿A decoction of the leaves and root is used in American folk medicine as a remedy for gastrointestinal disorders. References:

Asparagus in Hindi or Asparagus meaning in Hindi- सतावर, सतावरि, सतमूली, शतावरी, सरनोई Shatavari in English- Wild asparagus (वाईल्ड एस्पैरागस)

शतावरी.. शतावरीला विविध भागात विविध नावाने ओळखले जाते. Asparagus in Hindi or Asparagus meaning in Hindi- सतावर, सतावरि, सतमूली, शतावरी, सरनोई Shatavari in English- Wild asparagus (वाईल्ड एस्पैरागस) Asparagus in Sanskrit-शतावरी, शतपदी, शतमूली, महाशीता, नारायणी, काञ्चनकारिणी, पीवरी, सूक्ष्मपत्रिका, अतिरसा, भीरु, नारायणी, बहुसुता, बह्यत्रा, तालमूली, नेटिव एस्पैरागस (Native asparagus) Asparagus in Urdu- सतावरा (Satavara) Asparagus in Oriya- चोत्तारु (Chhotaru), मोहनोले (Mohnole) Asparagus in Gujarati- एकलकान्ता (Ekalkanta), शतावरी (Shatavari) Asparagus in Tamil or Asparagus meaning in tamil- किलावरि (Kilavari), पाणियीनाक्कु (Paniyinakku) Asparagus in Telugu or Asparagus in telugu- छल्लागडडा (Challagadda), एट्टावलुडुटीगे (Ettavaludutige); Asparagus in Bengali- शतमूली (Shatamuli), सतमूली (Satmuli) Asparagus in Punjabi- बोजान्दन (Bozandan); बोजीदान (Bozidan) Asparagus in Marathi- अश्वेल (Asvel), शतावरी (Shatavari) Asparagus in Malayalam- शतावरि (Shatavari), शतावलि (Shatavali) Asparagus in Nep...

Yam bean , Pachyrhizus erosus , Jicama or Mexican turnip

🍠🫛Yam bean ( Pachyrhizus erosus) also known by the common names Jicama or Mexican turnip, is a climbing legume crop with tuberous storage roots that are eaten either raw or cooked as vegetable. The plant is native to Mexico and Central America, though it is also widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. 🍠🫛The leaves of the plant are trifoliate with entire leaflet margins that may be lobed or deeply divided.  🍠🫛White or purplish flowers are produced in racemes or panicles. These mature into elongated pods that are constricted between the seeds. The seeds are however toxic and not consumed. They are sometimes used to poison insects or fish. 🍠🫛Yam Beans are valued for their edible tubers, which can be consumed raw, boiled, or cooked in various dishes. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to diet. Except for the edibl...

Dioscorea bulbifera , Air potato, Aerial yam, Potato yam, Bitter yam

Dioscorea bulbifera (Commonly known as Air potato, Aerial yam, Potato yam, Bitter yam) –  Dioscoreaceae, an herbaceous twining vine with heart shaped leaves. The bulbils grow in the air and hang down from the vine. Air potatoes are a good source of flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory benefits. Air potatoes have been growing since ancient times, are native to Asia and Africa, and have been spread throughout the world. Today Air potatoes are being sold at local markets in Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, Northern Australia and the United States. It is an important vegetable crop of hilly region of Uttarakhand and the tubers are called ‘Genthi’. The tubers are harvested during October-November and stored for preparing / cooking vegetable during winter season by boiling / cooking it like potatoes. The curry is considered to provide warmth during night in snow clad region. These are also used in folk medic...

अळू , Colocasia esculenta, कलोकेशिया एस्क्युलेंटा ,Taro, टॅरो

अळू (शास्त्रीय नाव : Colocasia esculenta, कलोकेशिया एस्क्युलेंटा ; इंग्लिश: Taro, टॅरो ;) ही कंदमूळ प्रकारात मोडणारी, अरॅशिए सुरण कुळातील वनस्पती आहे. मुळात आग्नेय आशियातली ही वनस्पती आता आफ्रिका व आशिया खंडांतील उष्ण कटिबंधीय प्रदेशांमध्ये सर्वत्र आढळते. अळू बारमाही उगवणारा असून, याची पाने व कंद खाण्याजोगे मानले जातात. अळू ही एक औषधी वनस्पती मानली जाते. मराठवाड्यात अळूला 'चमकोरा/चमकुरा' असे पण म्हणतात.विदर्भात पांढरा आणी काळा असे अळू आढळतात.तसेच लाल खोडांचे पण अळू आढळतात.यात शोकेस् प्रकार पण भरपूर आहेत. महाराष्ट्रात लग्नसमारंभांत याच्या पानांची पातळ भाजी करतात. त्या भाजीला कोंकणात अळूचे फदफदे असे म्हणतात. अळूच्या पानांवर हरबऱ्याच्या डाळीचे भिजवलेले पीठ आणि इतर मसाले थापून पानाला उभी घडी घालून उकडतात. नंतर त्या पानाच्या वड्या पाडतात. या वड्यांना गुजरातमध्ये पात्रा म्हणतात. उपवासाच्या दिवशी अळूचे कंद उकडून खातात. या कंदांना अळकुडी असे नांव आहे. गुजराथीत आरवी असे म्हणतात. भाजीचा अळू, वडीचा अळू आणि...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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