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Ficus palmata ,Punjab fig, Bedu – Moraceae

Ficus palmata (Punjab fig, Bedu) – Moraceae, an important wild edible fruit of Uttarakhand and locally called ‘Bedu’.  The fruits (fruit is syconoid, developed from a hollow, globose and fleshy receptacle) is good source of mineral and vitamins. A famous Uttarakhand’s folk song ‘Bedu Pako Baramasha’ is based on the species. Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Asana clearing out all conflicts and dualities.

Chapter 10 - The Eight Limbs Of Yoga  Day 90 Now what is asana? Asana is that which is steady and comfortable. Normally, when you are comfortable, you're not steady. You will not be sitting erect but when you are erect, you will be so stiff that you will not be comfortable.  But when you are in asana, you are erect, steady and at the same time comfortable. The main point of this is feeling the body, letting go of the effort and experiencing the infinity and harmonising oneself with the infinity. We do this while doing asanas.  Have you noticed that when you do asanas with total awareness, you feel totally spaced out later. �Yansheshay is to let go of the effort and sit in a comfortable posture - sukham asanam pleasurable. You feel that it is a pleasure just to be, just to sit. This is sukha.  Sukha means pleasure. Have you ever sat steadily feeling that it is wonderful just to be, just to sit? If you do it once, you will see how it feels. �Yansheshay is ...

Greatest happiness - an incomparable happiness

Chapter 10 - The Eight Limbs Of Yoga  Day 89 Santosha is happiness and contentment which gives great joy. Anuttama, the greatest happiness can be got by just cultivating this habit and this attitude of being happy. It will, in turn, destroy your misery. It is not just a mood-lifting process. It is an attitude.  You develop this attitude to be happy. And it will bring you the greatest happiness - an incomparable happiness in life. The body and the senses become strong with tapas. When you fast, you are not pleasing God.  You are not ensuring your enlightenment or a passage to heaven. When you fast and do various practices, your body becomes strong. It can withstand great heat and cold. Your resistance power increases. Ashuddhi kshyaa - the impurities are eliminated. By self-study, swadhyaaya, the devas or divine presence is felt and experienced. By self-study, by observing and by being hollow and empty, you become a channel. You become a part of the divine. You...

Lavender Sorrel ,Oxalis barrelieri from West Indies, Central and South America.

Lavender Sorrel (Oxalis barrelieri) is a herbaceous plant from the family Oxalidaceae, native to West Indies, Central and South America. 🌿 It is often found growing as a weed but is also a medicinal plant used mainly for treatment of stomach disorders. 🌿The leaves are trifoliate ( having 3 leaflets each). The leaflets, as in other species of the genus, fold back and droop at night. 🌿Its leaves contain oxalic acid that gives them a peculiar sharp sour taste. Though edible they should never be consumed in large quantities as the oxalic acid binds with calcium in the body and erodes it, leading to calcium deficiency and kidney damage. 🌷The flowers are faintly pinkish turning white as they mature.The throat of these tubular flowers is bright yellow and the petals have purplish veins. The fruit is a capsule that splits open by valves. The seeds have a fleshy coat, which curls back elastically, ejecting the true seed.

Fringed Spider Flower , Cleome rutidosperma, Sieruela rutidosperma

 Fringed Spider Flower (Cleome rutidosperma, now renamed as Sieruela rutidosperma) is an annual herbaceous plant from the family Cleomaceae. It is found growing along wastelands and pavements, but it isn't merely a weed, it is also an important medicinal plant. The leaves of this plant are edible and taste like mustard. The leaf sap has antiinflammatory properties and is applied to irritated skin and also wounds, owing to its antimicrobial and healing properties. The leaf extract has been used in traditional African medicine for treating ear aches and deafness. It also has antipyretic and anti-convulsant effects. Reference Plants of Singapore

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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