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Solanum nigrum , Black nightshade, Makoi ,Solanaceae,

Solanum nigrum (Common Name: Black nightshade, Makoi) – Solanaceae, a common herb or short-lived perennial shrub.  It is used as food (ripe berries and boiled leaves are eaten). Infusions are used in dysentery, stomach complaints, and fever. The juice of plants is used on ulcers and skin diseases. The fruits are used for treating asthma and 'excessive thirst'. Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012


False lime , Suregada multiflora. Merlimau from the family Euphorbiaceae

False lime (Suregada multiflora), locally known as Merlimau, is an evergreen, tree from the family Euphorbiaceae, native to South China, India and peninsular Malaysia. 🌲 The tree has an irregular or conical crown with branches starting at quite a low height. 🌿 🍂The alternately arranged, oval leaves have leathery leaf blades with smooth margins, and turn orange before they drop. 💮Small creamish-white flowers are produced in leaf opposed clusters. They are either male or female (dioecious).  🍊The fruit is a trilobed capsule (2-2.5 cm) that turns orangish when ripe. Each fruit contains 3 black seeds each covered by a segment of white succulent flesh. It looks like a small lime hence the common name. ⚕️The plant secretes phytochemicals that are antiinflammatory and potentially useful in the treatment of HIV and breast cancer. References:

You are Indivisible, Undivided

Eternal Infinite Bliss  Pointer 3 You are Indivisible, Undivided, Unbroken, inseparable Akhand Brahmand  You are not a body,  You are not a mind, You are not senses,  You are not thoughts, You are not what you are doing,  You are not what you have , You are not what you think about yourself  You are not all that you can think or imagine.. You are beyond all known.  You are Unknown to yourself That's why you are  always fresh , new and full of energy.  You can say  I am exist but I can't figure out myself What I am and What I am not I am exist with out knowing myself is the awareness of pure presence and  You are awareness of this pure presence  Your presence is occupied the Whole Space. That pure presence you are. In your presence all are just happening.  In your absence nothing will happen  Still you are not doer You are  witness of that happening. All things spontaneously happen like waves came and ...

Dwarf morning-glory or Round Leaf Bindweed, Evolvulus nummularius

Dwarf morning-glory or Round Leaf Bindweed (Evolvulus nummularius) is a creeping weed from the family Convolvulaceae, native to tropical America; naturalized in China (Yunnan), India, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia and Africa. It is a perennial herb with somewhat round leaves that are notched at the base and are alternately arranged. Small, white flowers usually solitary, are produced in leaf axils.  In Indian traditional folk medicine, the whole plant is used as a medicine for hysteria, to cure burns, cuts, wounds and scorpion stings. In Nepal, the paste of the plant is used to treat scabies. Locally it was first recorded in 2016 along a pavement in Hougang . Reference Plants of Singapore

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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