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Yoga is the skill in activity

Chapter 7 - Kriya Yoga  Day 50  When someone is anxious, they are aware of the passage of time; of every moment. However, then the total focus is on an event or a happening rather than just on time. Someone may be waiting for a train, a bus or a boat and they will go on thinking of it is coming. The focus is on the concerned object rather than just on time. But, if there is a little shift done by you, then when you wait for somebody or something, you will just wait for the moment - for "Now". This is uniting with the time. This is Yoga. When you do this, your mind is in he moment and waiting for nothing.  However, you are still waiting. This adds a different quality to the consciousness. It sharpens the intellect and softens the heart. This is called the Yoga of action. This is the next sutra, Sadhana Pada. Sadhna Pada means, the path of practice.  Kriya Yoga is the Yoga of action. Action is part of this creation. There is activity in everything in creati...

For Samadhi Patience and Dynamism is the golden rule.

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 49  This is another kind of samadhi where even the feeling of some impressions is not there. There is no end to this. There are many different states of awareness and types of samadhi being described. The path is long. Every step is complete in itself. It is not that you are aiming at a goal after sometime.  The goal is in every moment. Yet the path is long. The path is very long, yet the goal is there at every moment. The goal is where you are. You are not in a hurry and want samadhi immediately. There should be enthusiasm and along with it there should be patience. Those who are very enthusiastic have no patience.  People who have patience are very lethargic. There is either one extreme or the other. You can sleep but you cannot have a quick sleep. Hurried sleep is not possible. You cannot feel that, since you are in a hurry, you should sleep quickly and then rise and go. In the same way you cannot remember somethi...

Right type of forgiveness

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 48  Once Buddha was in an assembly and a gentleman came to him. He was furious. He thought that Buddha was doing something wrong. He was attracting people and everybody had begun meditating. The people had become very calm and quiet. The gentleman was a restless businessman.  He had found thrash his children were going and sitting wig Buddha and meditating for two hours every day. And he thought that if his children would be engaged in business, they could make more money and be better off. What would they get bu sitting for two hours with somebody with their eyes closed?  So he was angry and wanted to teach Buddha a lesson. He walked up to Buddha but as soon as he came near him all his thoughts disappeared. But he was still shaking with anger and could not speak. No words would come out of his mouth. So he spat on Buddha's face. And Buddha just smiled.  However, all the other disciples there became furious but ...

The deeper you go and more hollow and empty that you become

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 47  The impression of that state of consciousness can wipe out all other impressions in the mind which are useless and not necessary for life. This happens to some extent with all - maybe 15, 40, 65 or 80% Something of the past erased in your first meditation.  You begin to feel that you are a new person the deeper you go and more hollow and empty that you become. You feel you are a different person. Many have had this experience. What has happened is that other samskaras and impressions have been erased from your mind.  It has made you new. It renews you again, and again, and again, and again. Often, when you have thought of events in the past, you would have felt that you are not the same person that you were then. You even feel that it was not you at all, as though you are not at all connected to those events.  This is because this samskara of your consciousness has been erasing those things of your past cont...

You are Absolute Space.You are Absolute Light.

Eternal Infinite Bliss  Pointer 2 You are Absolute Space. You are Absolute Light. You are Absolute possibilities of all that can be possible in this space. The Absolute Space is all-pervading space there exist clouds, stars, planets, dust-storms, all bodies of men and animals that is entire creation is in space. All that's What you are.  But you can not become that. You can be that What you are. Being Absolute Space is Absolute fullness.  It is natural tendency of human nature to become some body so he tries hard to achieve something to become some body. During this journey he always feel present is imperfect, Lacksome, So thinks that something is better than this is in future. So he  postponed to live life  fully here and now every moment to moment.But  Joy of being is  always in present moment. Life is already perfect in present moment.  When totally aware about present moment then life unfolds it secrets. Available to here and now b...

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