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Savitarka samadhi

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 46  When the consciousness which grabs or holds, the object it holds and senses through which it holds are in harmony, there is samadhi. The one who is seeing, the mind, the Self, which is seeing, is in harmony. The senses are in harmony. The eyes are the instruments through which you hold the scene. The ears are the instrument through which you hear the sound. Your ears, the sound that is heard and its source are connected. They all become keen, crystal clear. When can this happen?  This can happen when your mind is not going on its own trip to regret, anger, anticipation, sleep, the five vrittis - proof, wrong knowledge, fantasy, sleep and memory. When you look at a mountain, you just don't look at it as it is. Something is added to it. You are not seeing things as they are, but you are seeing them through your memory, seeing through comparison. That is no samadhi. There is an old story in India. A king heard about a be...

Sabeeja samadhi

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 44  For a few moments, keep your body and your eyes steady and you will see, almost immediately, the mind will so become steady. If you stand still, the mind will become still and the breath will become steady.  This is when the time stops, death stops and immortality begins. You wake up before time swallows you and before this earth gulps you. Then, you swallow time. This is samadhi. Samadhi is that state where you feel you can stay like that for a million years.  It is a state where the mind freezes. It is just like things remaining fresh, if they are put in a fridge. Samadhi is the refrigerator of your life. It is the secret of youthfulness, the secret of bubbling enthusiasm and the secret of renewal of life.  It is steadiness but we have the wrong understanding of samadhi. We think it means going underground and not breathing. People in samadhi fast and become skinny. They apply ash all over their body. They...

Samadhi is secret of youthfulness, bubbling enthusiasm and the renewal of life

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 44  For a few moments, keep your body and your eyes steady and you will see, almost immediately, the mind will so become steady. If you stand still, the mind will become still and the breath will become steady.  This is when the time stops, death stops and immortality begins. You wake up before time swallows you and before this earth gulps you. Then, you swallow time. This is samadhi. Samadhi is that state where you feel you can stay like that for a million years.  It is a state where the mind freezes. It is just like things remaining fresh, if they are put in a fridge. Samadhi is the refrigerator of your life. It is the secret of youthfulness, the secret of bubbling enthusiasm and the secret of renewal of life.  It is steadiness but we have the wrong understanding of samadhi. We think it means going underground and not breathing. People in samadhi fast and become skinny. They apply ash all over their body. They...

Steadiness In Samadhi

Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi  Day 43 This is the same with the ears. Sometimes, people switch on the the radio and every few minutes change the station. They go on tuning to different stations. I knew one such person. He would not let anybody listen to one song completely or one program fully. After listening to a station for a few seconds, he would wonder what program would be on in another station.  Then again, he would be off to another station after some time. All the time would be spent in tuning to different stations. That is how the mind works. This happens in relation to all the other senses, too - smell, taste, touch and hearing. When the senses get steady, then the prana,which is shaking inside becomes steady, too. You would have noticed that, if your prana is unsteady before doing pranayama, it becomes steady once you complete it.  Observe the prana at all those moments when you are not feeling so good or are fearful. The matter may not be seri...

Eternal Infinite Bliss

Pointer 1 You are Eternal infinite bliss. Your nature is uninterrupted perpetual bliss. You are always here as a  Absolute, Pure, Alone. One who witnesses entire manifestation as own expression. One who established in his self as a eternity with infinity.  To realise your true nature. To enjoy your true being. Just open your eyes and see the reality .Reality is always infront of us. Only our mind makes us a fool.Mind is very smart playing so many tricks to cover the reality.  Then question comes how to stop mind to play tricks to expirence our own reality, Own nature that is eternal infinite bliss.  To realise the  reality first accept yourself totally, accept every thing as it is . Move on accepting whatever come or not come doesn't matter. Accept everything with deep love and gratitude. Do not think or imagine  imperfection in manifestation. All happening is perfectly well and all life moving perfection to perfection.  Then mind as a litt...

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