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Who Is God

CHAPTER - 4  ~ Who Is God ~   DAY - 23  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­  "Asmita" means "me" or "I."  This feeling of "me,  I" is the second cause of suffering.  That is the reason we do the Hollow and Empty process.  When we do it, there is no "I".  You exist as though you are not there.  You exist like a flower; like a cloud.  You exist like the space - free, and hollow and empty, rather than as if you are somebody - "I,  I, me, me." Asmita is feeling what people think about you, what you want from them, how you could take advantage of them, whether they consider you to be good or bad, etc.  This gives you misery.  Nothing else can give you misery - need give you misery.  Your own idea of "me, mine, me, mine," not being one with the existence, having a separate feeling and identity, or having a superiority or inferiority complex give you misery.  In fact, all those people who consider themselves intelligent and...

Fully blossomed state of consciousness

CHAPTER - 4  ~ Who Is God ~  DAY - 22 ­ Surrendering to the Lord, you can achieve the fully blossomed state of consciousness.  Now, what is the Lord?  Who is the Lord?  Where is He?  It is easy to say surrender to God, but what is God?  Where is God?  Nobody has ever seen God.  What is it that rules this world?  You will find that it is love that rules the world.  The centre core of the existence rules whole universe.  Just like the sun is the center of the solar system and rules all the planets,  love is the core of your life.  Love is beyond your changing body, changing thoughts, and changing feelings.  It is the very center, core, of your existence, which is very subtle and delicate.  It can be called love or anything else.  That consciousness, the core of existence is responsible for this whole creation.  There lies the Lordship.  A bird feeds its young ones because of love.  A flower...

Deep meditation, Equanimous mind, The result is samadhi

 CHAPTER - 3 ~ Samadhi ~  DAY - 20 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­This is the most vital sutra. Shraddha means faith.  Faith creates such good qualities in your consciousness. It is made stable, steady and solid.  Doubt in consciousness makes you very vulnerable, fearful, uncertain - fluid. But faith makes you solid.  Faith brings totality in you. It pulls together all the loose ends of your consciousness. It integrates your whole personality.  Doubt scatters and destroys you. It disseminates you and your energy.  It pulls you apart.  Dissemination of energy is doubt.  Consolidation of your energy is faith.  The feeling when you have faith is a form of consolidation; a strength. That is why Jesus also said faith is your strength.  They are synonymous - faith and strength.  When you are strong and bold, you have faith.  When you are weak and feeble, you have doubts.  Doubt and uncertainty are signs of weakness.  Faith is stre...

Avirati is a big obstruction in the path of Yoga

CHAPTER - 4 ~ Who Is God ~   DAY - 29 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ And then comes आलय or laziness.  You may be very active but when it comes to doing asanas, postures, exercises or pranayamas, you are lazy and do not do them.  And that laziness can spread to any aspect of your life.  You may intentionally not do something.  Then again, you may feel a heaviness or laziness come over you.  अवरत means being obsessed with sensual objects and not letting them go.  You may be hungry and eat some food.  But after your tummy is full, then there is no point in thinking about food the whole day.  It is the same if you want to see a beautiful place.  Once you see it, your want should subside.  You should not go on thinking about seeing a beautiful place all the time.  All the actions of the sense organs should be limited to some time.  It should be over after that. But thinking about something and being feverish about it all th...

Obstruction or Obstacle in the path of yoga.

CHAPTER - 4 ~ Who Is God ~   DAY - 28 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ " ाधयानसंशयमादालयावरतातदशॅन अलध भुमकवानवथतवान चावपेातेऽतरायाः " Vyaadi styaana samshaya pramaada aalasya avirati bhrantidarshana aalabdha bhoomikatvaan avasthi tatvani chitta vikshepaaha aste antaraayaah  The first obstacle is ाध - means illness in the body.  Then comes यान - means illness of the mind - being retarded and having an inability to comprehend, to listen, to understand, to follow, and to practice.  Many of you will become ill when you do a course.  When you start doing some practice or meditation, you will have pains in various parts of your body.  It is an obstruction or obstacle in the path of yoga.  It you are watching television, nothing happens, but if you sit for meditation,your body becomes restless and there are pains here and there.  The next obstacle is संशय or doubt. The mind is bogged down by doubts.  There are three types of doubts. One is a doub...

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