CHAPTER - 3 ~ Samadhi ~ DAY - 20 This is the most vital sutra. Shraddha means faith. Faith creates such good qualities in your consciousness. It is made stable, steady and solid. Doubt in consciousness makes you very vulnerable, fearful, uncertain - fluid. But faith makes you solid. Faith brings totality in you. It pulls together all the loose ends of your consciousness. It integrates your whole personality. Doubt scatters and destroys you. It disseminates you and your energy. It pulls you apart. Dissemination of energy is doubt. Consolidation of your energy is faith. The feeling when you have faith is a form of consolidation; a strength. That is why Jesus also said faith is your strength. They are synonymous - faith and strength. When you are strong and bold, you have faith. When you are weak and feeble, you have doubts. Doubt and uncertainty are signs of weakness. Faith is stre...
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