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Yoga means skill - skill to live your life, to manage your mind, to deal with your emotions

Chapter 2 - Honouring The Practise  Day 12  Buddhists have got their own method of determining who is enlightened and who is not. Somebody who sings, dances, and enjoys living in the world is not enlightened. Somebody who mingles with their family members is not enlightened. The enlightened have to renounce their family. I have seen many of these so-called sanyasis.  They are so afraid of meeting their own family. They fear that they could develop attachment for them again. I remember in one of the ashrams, an intimate, a so-called sanyasi and renunciate, would not meet his mother, an old lady who was nearly 70 years old, whe. she would go there to meet him. He would meet everybody else.  What had this poor old lady done that he would not even meet her? She would cry. Many of the renunciates - the so-called nuns, brothers and fathers are very cruel to their own family people because that is their idea of renunciation. Why can't the close relatives be love...

Horse Mango , Mangifera foetida , Bachang, is a species of mango tree

 🐴🥭Horse Mango (Mangifera foetida) also known as Bachang, is a critically endangered species of mango tree, native to Thailand, Vietnam, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo.  🌳The tree may grow up to 40 m tall and can be identified from the glossy and leathery leaves, which have obvious depressed secondary venation. Some studies describe the leaves as stiff and thick cardboard-like. The leaves are simple and arranged in whorls. 🌳 The tree bears copper-red inflorescences (panicles) with tiny pink flowers, that mature into globose, fibrous and stinking drupes. The ripe fruit is strongly scented. The unripe fresh fruit contains an irritant juice which may inflame the lips and mouth if consumed. At maturity the irritant juice is restricted to the skin of the fruit. The fruits are used in curries, pickles, rojak, and to make chutneys or sweetmeats. 🌳Although the sap of the tree irritates the skin, it is used as a lotion to treat ...

Buchanania arborescens, Sparrow's Mango, Little Gooseberry, 'Otak Udang' literally means "prawn's brains".

Sparrow's Mango (Buchanania arborescens) is a medium sized tree that can grow up to 35 m tall, and may sometimes have buttresses upto 1 m high.   Bark is smooth, greyish brown, red on the inside, and oozes harmless greyish gum when cut.  Crown is compact with upright leaves that are spirally arranged.  The stalked leaves have leathery leaf blades that are green, oval to drop-shaped, with a blunt tip, and network-like venation.. Young leaves are reddish in color.  Its flowering shoots are 5.5–22 cm long, and bear small creamish-white flowers with 5-6 petals.  Fruits are tiny, globular, about 1 cm in diameter, reddish to purple-black when ripe.  These are eaten by sparrows, imperial pigeons and other birds.  Aboriginal people of Australia eat the fruit raw. Unripe fruits may be boiled and cooked. When ripe, they become sweet and pulpy, like gooseberries, although their rind is ...

The nature of your being is Total Bliss and Total Pleasure

Chapter 2 - Honouring The Practise  Day 11  Once you know the nature of your being - total bliss and total pleasure - even the fear about the gunas and the fear about the world will disappear. It is like diabetic patients being afraid of sweets. The sight of sweets frightens them because they are forbidden. But the one who has sweetness in him doesn't mind if there are sweets near them. This is parama vairagya.  Supreme dispassion, ie., not being scared or running away from the world but being in it, completely centered. People have very peculiar ideas about enlightenment. Every culture and religion has got its own ideas about it.  In the Christian religion a rich man cannot be enlightened. It is impossible. You have to be poor to be enlightened. Form the Christian point of view, Rama could not be enlightened. He ws a king. How could a King be enlightened? Even if a camel could go through the eye of a needle, a rich man could not be enlightened.  On...

Expectation in meditation is an obstruction

Chapter 2 - Honouring The Practice  Day 10  The craving for any of the sense objects or celestial heavenly places that the mind gallops towards is an obstruction. Any expectation in meditation is an obstruction.  You may have heard that someone had seen a light or somebody coming from heaven and taking them by hand. So, you sit with your eyes closed and wait for an angel to come or to have a light shine on you and then to burst into million stars.  All these ideas and thoughts become an obstruction. If you have dispassion, you will feel that you are not giving up anything for nay of these pleasures. Your desire for pleasure or happiness will make you unhappy. If you examine yourself whenever you are miserable or unhappy, you will find that your misery is due to your desire to be happy.  Craving for happiness brings misery. If you don't even crave for happiness, you are happy. You crave for happiness and you invite misery. When you don't care for happ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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