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It is an incident of Rishikesh of year 2006 or may be 2007. Don't remember exactly. I was connected with My Gurudev in April 2005 at Jalandhar in One of Teachers' house. And I had the opportunity to meet personally face to face and was bleesd by Him. Then I did my basic course in same month.  I went to Rishikesh Ashram in 2006/07 to do AMC in GuruDev presence. In the evening Gurudev walked from Ganga Kuteer to Ganga bathing ghaat which is nearby to Kuteer. At that hardly 6 to 7 volunteers were accompanying गुरुदेव and I was one lucky servant of Gurudev. When Gurudev was about to have a holy dip, I was nearby Him. He just held my hand and took the dip. Later also I took dip with His hand held. What a miracle observed that Ganga water where गुरुदेव took a dip was lukewarm which otherwise is quite cold. Still it is in my memory and by remembering it I am so thrilled that I have no words how Gurudev poured Unconditional Grace for which I am not capable. Strange are ways...

Carissa carandas Syn , Arduina carandas, Echites spinosus, Jasminonerium carandas , Karanda, Karonda

Carissa carandas Syn.: Arduina carandas, Echites spinosus, Jasminonerium carandas (Common name: Karanda, Karonda) - Apocynaceae, a sprawling semi-vine shrub native to India. Although karonda can be kept clipped into a shrub, it really prefers to act much like a vine similar to bougainvillea and will climb to the tops of rather tall trees.  Fruits can be eaten fresh or used for jellies or jam or pickled. Its fruit is used in Ayurveda to treat acidity, indigestion, fresh and infected wounds, skin diseases etc. The roots serve as a stomachic, an anthelmintic medicine for itches and also as insect repellents. Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Ficus religiosa , peepul, F.superstitiosa, F. caudata ,Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree

Ficus religiosa Syn.: F. peepul, F.superstitiosa, F. caudata (Common name: Peepal, holy fig tree, peepul, sacred fig tree) - Moraceae, a tree with great religious significance. No other tree is claimed to have such long life - one in Sri Lanka, said to have been planted in the year 288 B.C., still lives and flourishes.  In Hindus mythology the tree is associate with the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Vishnu being reputed to have been born under a Peepul, which is therefore Vishnu himself in the form of a tree. A grand peepal tree is a perfect shade tree, and village meetings are often conducted under a peepal tree. Ripe fruits are violet in colour (fig) and edible which also sustain wildlife and biodiversity. The tree parts are also used in herbal medicine too. F. religiosa is the state tree of the Odisha, Bihar and Haryana. Haldwani,  Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. I...

Respect yourself

Chapter 1 - Discipline Of Yoga  Day 4  Pramaana is the knowledge that the mind is constantly engaged in arguments, in proofs, in knowledge, in analysing, or in wrong knowledge, wrong understanding, etc. You could be arguing and being logical. You could be looking for proof, or you will have wrong understanding.  You will think that things are the way that they are not. Most of the time you impose your own views, ideas, and feelings on others. You think that this is how the things are. This activity of mind is called Viparyaya. You may have an inferiority complex and, thereby, consider someone's behavior very arrogant.  Actually, they are not arrogant, and you are not being ill-treated by them. But, you feel that you are being ill-treated. You feel that you have not been respected. It is because you don't respect yourself enough that you think that the others do not respect you. This tendency of your mind is Viparyaya. Others will be shocked by the change ...

Xylocarpus moluccensis commonly known as Nyireh batu

🌳MANGROVES OF MELIACEAE🌳 Xylocarpus moluccensis commonly known as Nyireh batu, is a medium to large-sized tree from the family Meliaceae.   🌳The tree grows about 20 - 30 m tall, and usually has a sparse canopy. 🌳The trunk has a deeply fissured surface. 🌳Roots surface in the form of conical pneumatophores at the base of the trunk. 🌳Leaves are spirally arranged, compound leaves with usually 2 - 3 stalked leaflets, oppositely placed in pairs, oval or elliptical, leathery and with a broadly rounded to sharply tapered base. 🌳Flowers occur in clusters located in the axils, flower clusters are 6 - 18 cm long and with a 2 - 10 mm long stalk. Calyx lobes are rounded, white petals are 4 in number, yellowish and oblong to egg-shaped,  🌳Fruits are broadly ellipsoid, greenish-brown woody and about 8 - 11 cm in diameter, Each fruit usually has 5 - 10 brown seeds. 🌳This tree usually occurs in ti...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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