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Arundina graminifolia commonly known as the Bamboo Orchid or Bird Orchid

Arundina graminifolia commonly known as the Bamboo Orchid or Bird Orchid is a perennial herbaceous shrub orchid native to tropical and subtropical Asia from the Himalayas to Tahiti. It is a clumping herb with leafy, erect stems joined at the base, up to 2.5 m tall. Its alternate leaves are grass-like. Flowers are large, 5 by 5 cm and develop in shoots at the tips of the stems. Its three sepals and two lateral petals are white to light-pink. The third petal is modified to a bright rosy purple lip with a central yellow patch. Fruits are cigar-shaped capsules that split to release the tiny, wind-dispersed seeds when ripe. The bamboo orchid is found occuring naturally in lowland secondary forests, right up to higher altitudes in the tropical montane forests. Its natural habitats include open areas, grassland, mountains and rocky places by streams. Unlike many epiphytic orchids, which are found growing on trees, this orchid is a terrestrial species. Ants are known to visit the flowering p...

Sudarshan Kriya is healing me mentally as well as physically.

SKIN HEALING STORY OF ART OF LIVING PROGRAM (YES!) PARTICIPANT. It's me Anish giri from Tarahara-20, Itahari, Sunsari. Recently, 2 months ago I came in contact with the Art of Living through my friends. I did a four days YES! course in Itahari and had an astonishing and enlightening experience. Specially Sudarshan Kriya had left a remarkable impact on me. While doing it for the first time, I felt like it was healing me from inside. l used to have a lot of pimples, I used different medicines for long time for treatment but nothing worked as per my expectation. Then I decided to stop the medicine. My pimples were getting worse day by day. The magic happened here when I started doing my Sudarshan Kriya regularly, I noticed that my pimples started fading away without any use of medicine. I am so grateful that I feel like regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya is healing me mentally as well as physically. "Health is not a mere absence of disease. I...

Bangalore Ashram 2023-06-15

Bangalore Ashram 2023-06-15 Transcription of Q&A in Tamil Thanks to @⁨Rathi -- Aol Devotee⁩  Q. How do we take it when moving away from relationships with ego? Firstly thinking they have ego is wrong. Only one ego can see another ego. Don't worry about how they behave, be detached. Humor wins over all this. Happy people don't have ego, only weak people show ego. Be compassionate towards them, don't get angry. Q. There are so many mahans (great people) in this country. Can we listen to every one? How can we show hatred when you say they are mahans. Respect everyone but take a path and stick to the path else it causes confusion.  Q. There is so much disturbance and problems in families, how can we get over? Like how there are waves in a ocean, how can we expect a life without problems. What you need is the strength to handle problems. Aren't your problems getting solved? Problems come and go, don't fear or worry. A step in this spiritual path, is alrea...


Weekly Knowledge 168 Hamburg 26 Aug 1998 Germany EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS PEACE Consciousness moving on the surface of the body is stimuli, which cause pleasure. When consciousness shrinks, then the sensation of pain and suffering arises. Suffering is the shrinking or contraction of consciousness. When consciousness moves through the body in limited channels, pleasure is experienced. Repeated enjoyment of the stimuli causes inertia and dullness. Often cooks don't enjoy their own food. Listening to the same piece of music loses the charm, people in the sex industry don't enjoy sex. If the stimuli are observed, then consciousness expands and becomes peace. With awareness the stimuli lose their significance; whether they exist or not makes no difference. When the sun is there, then whether the candle is lit or not makes no difference. To realise that all pleasures are just stimuli and that you are more than the stimuli brings freedom. Pain is nothing but consciousness wantin...


Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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