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We are all both form and formless

Bangalore Ashram 2023-06-08 In the beginning, for about 12-13 minutes, Gurudev some at length on various topics, followed by Q&A. Q. Gurudev, at times, you seem to confuse me. On one level you appear to be completely human, on another level, I sense and know that your strength and power is beyond human understanding. How to reconcile between these two? We are all both form and formless.  Form is concrete, and the spirit and mind is formless. Q. Scriptures tell us to be free of desires/ results of our actions. How to stay motivated if I don't aspire to achieve great results? Hold on to your desire and do your work. When you grow to a state where desires don't bother, then desires don't bother.  In this state, all actions become spontaneous and an expression of joy.  Q. How to overcome violent sexual thoughts? Exercise, pranayam, meditate.  Sex combined with violence is the worst thing, it can spoil your spirit, open door to hell. Q. How to get rid of f...


Weekly Knowledge 160 Vancouver,British Columbia 01 Jul 1998 Canada GENEROSITY IS THE QUALITY OF THE SPIRIT When You Feel Stuck In Life And Not Growing, Bombarded By Desires, When There Is Dryness, Lack Of enthusiasm, no juice, what do you do? Here is the solution....FEEL GENEROUS....right away, not tomorrow. Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes abundant, full of compassion and love. Question: Is generosity the same as being grateful? Answer: No. Gratefulness always has self concern. You are grateful because you have something or you get something. Generosity is an expression independent of external circumstances. No one can make you feel generous. That is something that you have to do yourself. Essentially, generosity is not an act. It is a state of consciousness, but it cannot but find its expression in an act. Question: What about passion? Answer: Passion indicates scarcity. Dispassion is a...


Weekly Knowledge 159 St.Louis, Missouri 24 Jun 1998  USA GIVE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS Those Who Fight For Their Rights Are Weak For They Do Not Know Their Inner Strength, Their Magnanimity. The weaker you are, the more you demand your rights. Asserting your rights makes you isolated and poor. People who fight for their rights, take pride in it. This is an ignorant pride. You need to recognize no one can take away your rights. They are yours. The courageous will give away their rights. The degree to which you give away your rights indicates your freedom, your strength. The stronger you are the more you give away your rights. Only those who have their rights can give away their rights!!! Demanding rights does not really bring you the rights, and giving them away does not really take them away. Poor are those who demand their rights. Richer are those who know their rights cannot be taken away. Richest are those who give away their rights. Demand for rights is ignorance, agony. Knowing no one...


Weekly Knowledge 158 Baltimore,Maryland 17 Jun 1998 USA IF YOU CANNOT MEDITATE, BE STUPID If You Are Unable To Meditate, Your Mind Is Chattering Too Much And Nothing Works, Just Feel That You Are A little stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep. Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you are stuck in the intellect, you miss a lot. Happiness is when you transcend the intellect. Also, in awe or in feeling stupid, you transcend the intellect. Have you noticed mentally retarded people are more happy? Question: How do you go beyond the intellect? Answer: By acting stupid! Everyone avoids being stupid, no one wants to look dumb. That is really stupid. Stupidity should be followed by meditation, otherwise depression may follow. Janael: Can I ask a stupid question? Sri Sri: All questions are anyway stupid. Mikey: How do you become stupid? Yash: By asking the question. Rajshree: Just be yourself! 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र १५८ १७ जून, १९९८ बा...


Weekly Knowledge 157 New York City,NY 10 Jun 1998  USA BEYOND THE RATIONAL MIND: BREAKING THE BARRIER We Usually Do Only That Which Is Purposeful, Useful, And Rational. Everything You See, You See Through The rational mind. But an intuition, a discovery, new knowledge goes beyond the rational mind. Truth is beyond the rational mind. The rational mind is like a railroad track that is fixed in grooves. A plane has no tracks. It can fly anywhere. A balloon can float anywhere. Some people step out of the rational mind in order to rebel against society. They want to break social law but for the ego's sake. They do it out of anger, hatred, rebelliousness, and wanting attention. This is not stepping out of the rational mind (though they think it is). We step out of the rational mind when we do something that has no purpose. Accepting that, as an act, makes it a game. Life becomes lighter. If you are stuck with only rational acts, life becomes a burden. Suppose you play a game without a th...

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