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Quantum Physics derives from Vedas ?

This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is what the Brahmins (wise men or priests in the Vedic tradition) express in that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; tat tvam asi, this is you. Or, again, in such words as “I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world. ब्रह्मैवेदममृतं पुरस्तात् ब्रह्म पश्चात् ब्रह्म उत्तरतो दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरेण । अधश्चोर्ध्वं च प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम् ॥ (2.2.11) This is a reference to the Mundaka Upanishad mantra (above) in which the Vedic understanding of the connectivity of living entities is put forward to help the Bhakta (practitioner of yoga) to understand the difference between the body and the living entity. How the real nature of the living entity is realized only in union with the source, the supreme...

Vedic Sacred Geometry (वैदिक ज्यामिति) and Sulbasutra

The Indian artist in his work of creation coincides with nature and his works are nothing but new forms of the same nature which creates rich and living flowers, lakes etc. This art expresses the organic continuum, the circulation of the vital juices, a rhythm of forms and volumes devoid of effort and hesitations. That is because every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms to one or more geometric shapes like the sphere, circle, spiral, triangle, hexagon and square among others. For instance, the simplest of geometric forms, the sphere, is reflected in atoms, cells, seeds, planets, and globular star systems.  These naturally occurring geometric shapes and patterns were believed to be the starting alphabets of everything in the universe. Sacred geometry was broken down further into numbers, mathematical formulas and symbols. Man then cleverly employed this geometry from nature and reproduced it in art, architecture, music and meditation throughout history. In ar...

Live in The Master's Will

The Master's Voice 60 The Saints say, "He, who has known The Lord, becomes The Lord. There is nothing impossible to such a free soul. No more birth and death for him. He is free forever. Only by The Grace of The Master" The Master's say, "Saints and The Master come in this world, not to create their own sect or earn name and fame. They come with the specific purpose to Enlighten the human beings, with regard to the True purpose of the human life.  We can come to know about The True purpose of the human life only from The Master, who has already traversed the path and Realised The Truth. It is The Master who has the mandate from The Lord, to show the path to free ourselves from the shackles of the cycle of Birth and Death." Now a question shall arise in our mind, what is this cycle of Birth and Death? The Master's say, "The Lord created this world through His Will. Then, when He needed to pump life in it, He sent His particles, The Soul. The Lord wit...

Only Ecstasy and Bliss

The Master's Voice 61 The Master's say, "It is only The Chosen One, who can show us The Spiritual Path. There are few Chosen One, who are blessed with The Capabilities to explain the Inner Experience in words, that we can understand.  Mira Bai was one of the great Saint's of the country, who through her Guru Bhakti Realised The Lord. She has shared Her experiences of Realising The Truth, through which she has inspired many into the Spiritual path, even though she did not initiate anyone personally." पायो जी मैंने राम रतन धन पायो  In the poem "Paayo ji Maine Raam Ratan Dhan Paayo", Mira Bai ji is sharing her ecstasy after having had The Darshan of The Lord.  Mira Bai ji says, "I am now in the possession of most precious treasure, The Treasure of Raam, The Supreme Consciousness. Indeed, I am fortunate to have had The Darshan of The Raam." In our lives, we always see the women in our house cherish and treasure a Diamond Necklace as the most precio...

The Lord has created the UniVerse as a field of all possibilities

The Master's Voice 62 The Master's say, "The Lord has created the UniVerse as a field of all possibilities. The desires of everyone is fulfilled here. Based on the power of seeking it, the range varies. Some get it immediately, some after their belief in desire gets strengthened. For example, we desire to buy a car. But believe our family income is less. The manifestation starts and once our mind keeps deeply thinking of the car, our consciousness too shall be on it. As the intensity increases, our manifestation shall get fulfilled. We shall be in the possession of that object, here car.  When our mind thinks nothing, we enter the field of blankness. That is, we are neither in the worldly thoughts nor in the Spiritual Space. That is the reason, all The great Saints and The Master have always said, it is essential to have The Company of The Master and His Naama, here. Otherwise, we will be stuck in the no man's land. But, if our mind is filled with The Naama given by Th...

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