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Navagraha Planetary Deity as per Jyotish Shastra (नवग्रह और ज्योतिष विज्ञान)

Vaishnavites consider 9 Avatars originated from 9 Planets; Surya vamshi Sri Rama from Sun, Chandravanshi Sri Krishna from Moon, Narasimha (half man half lion) from Mars (Tue), Sri Buddha from Mercury (Wed), Vamana from Jupiter (Thu), Parashurama from Venus (Fri), Kurma (Tortoise) from Saturn (Saturday), Varaha (Boar) from Rahu Friday and Matsya (Fish) from Ketu Saturday. श्रद्धया हेलया नाम रटन्ति मम जन्तवः । तेषां नाम सदा पार्थ वर्त्तते हृदये मम ।। O Partha, those who say My Name have their names printed in My heart, no matter whether they say It devoutly or disdainfully. In Bhagvad Gita, Sri Krishna teaches Arjuna ; In any work that we perform there should not be any room for arrogance or complaints.  When we do every work with gratitude towards nature then Shani Dev helps. Shani Dev embodies highest spirituality and makes people realise that one should act like a karma-yogi i.e., perform prescribed duties without attachment to its results. Shani Dev is not particular ...

Magnifying My Being - A Real Possibility

We Being different levels has different Flavours ! We Being Identity of Small Bundle of Atoms ; then my existence is nothing in comparison with whole different species of Existence ! We can't be Seen ! We Being Identified with Material World : I Become Stuck in Wheels of Miseries and Only Sorrow Builds Up !  I got Master ; Through Spark of Grace ; My Outlook towards Myself & World ; Shifts !! I experience Myself as "Pure Vibration" - which is Liberation ! This Shift of Experiencing of Blossoming Consciousness happens through Self Efforts & Guru Grace ! This Self Discipline helps us Charged up @ Very High Level Prana ;Energy; Enthusiasm; Dynamism & Our Life Beautify's Day by Day ! This Glory of Experiencing Being as Being Magnifies Itself ; soul shines towards Happiness being Silent and Dispassionate !! This Energetic ''I" feels strong connection with Master ; while being with the world ; This Enthusiastic I ; searches for his DIVINE everywhe...

Divine Gift : The Secret & Sacred Blessings

Since Birth ; as we grow ; we are pushed into performing different Roles !  Every Role Demands Results ! We chase for our Goals;  But Goals seems to be always "Far Away "!  How to ✝️Bridge this Gap✝️ !! 🎁💥Divine Gifts 🎁💥make us Lucky !  Naming few :  🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️🅾️ 1) Being Naranjana :  😍That Being 😍 in Empty &Hollow State of Mind ; Divine Gifts Infinity !. ☆☆☆☆ 🅾️Being Hollow &Empty🅾️  means Draw Zero ;  When we join so many Zero's ;  Symbol of Infinity get Created ; isn't it !!! ☆☆☆☆ Remember Guruji often Says: Offer him all ur Desires & Pains & become Empty ! In this Emptiness; Divine sprouts Infinite Boons ! 😍💥😍💥😍💥😍💥😍💥😍 2) Being Silent : When we practice Silence ; automatically we separate ourself from words of world !! Our Consciousness Stays fresh or devoid of Words or Thoughts or Emotions! Practicing Silence again and again is Merging into Divinity by Default! 🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏🙏?...

Smiling - Auspicious Secret Divine Gift

Smiling - Magical Divine Gift! This is based on my Experience! Smiling- Smart Skill; Get Self Recharged ; Get Purified; Become Auspicious! Become Divine Flowers! Spread Divine Love! Guruji always says ; Fake it till u make it as Practice! If you have met Guruji Face 2 Face ; What is So Magnet; HIS Ever Smiling Face! isn't it ! When we stretch Our Cheeks and Smile ; All Nervous System point's of our face gets activated! This was told during my Sahej Samadhi with Bhanu Ma Ji! Our Entire Existence opens up to Cosmos! Our Body ; Mind and Soul gets Energized; Enthusiastic; Purified! Let Go of Thoughts or words! Life Opens up! Every Day Fresh Chapters Opens! Journey & Freedom becomes Fresh & Easy! Smiling creates moment to moment Auspicious Divine Space! Guruji Reminds us again and again to Smile more as; A Bridge from Noise to Kingdom of Grace; An Important Key to get More Blessings; By Default we would win hearts of People; By Default Lifts Our Mood; *Let Go* Become Easy ...

The Master's Grace, we unite with The Lord.

The Master's Voice 80 Once a Disciple asked, "Can a man in his rebirth be born as a lower animal." The Master's say, "Yes. It is very much possible. First of all we should question ourselves, 'What could be the reason for re birth.' The answer is one who does not Live in The Remembrance of The Lord, will be re born. One who does not Live in The Master's Will will be born again. Only those who have not taken to The Master's path, will think about Re birth. Now comes the question where will he re born?  No one has been till date able to understand the Lord's way of handling Karma. Our Consciousness is not even a fraction of Supreme consciousness. But Saints and The Master say, 'that which had been our desire, which was filled in our Contemplation, is what we become.' That is, if One keeps clamouring for a particular species all through his life and was not connected to Naama, can be born as that species.  But, if One breathes Naama day ...

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