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Teruntum Merah or the Red-Flowered Black Mangrove (Lumnitzera littorea)

Teruntum Merah or the Red-Flowered Black Mangrove (Lumnitzera littorea) is an endangered species native to Singapore.  It is a relatively small to medium sized tree from the family Combretaceae. It may grow up to 25 m under favourable conditions. It has no buttress, but produces pneumatophores. The bark is dark brown and fissured. Young branches are reddish in colour. Its simple, succulent, drop-shaped leaves with short stalks are arranged alternately and have a rounded tip with small notches along the margins. The flowers are red and occur in clusters. They are strongly scented with lots of nectar to attract bees and butterflies. Fruits are single-seeded, flattened, vase-shaped, red tinged with a fibrous fruit wall, that allows it to float on water for seed dispersal.  The timber of the Red Teruntum is valued for its high durability, being reportedly free from decay after 50 years of the wood ...

Prana level (Life force energy) and Sudarshan Kriya

There are ten types of Prana (the subtle life force energy). Of these, there are five major and five minor kinds of Prana.  Today let me just talk about the five major types of Prana. The first major type of Prana is called Prana which arises from your navel upwards to the top of the head. Then there is another type of Prana that goes downwards from the navel, and it is called Apana. When the Prana level is too high, you cannot sleep; you can get insomnia and you feel very jittery. However, if the Apana level is too high, you feel so dull that you do not even want to get off the bed. Have you had this experience? Sometimes you feel so heavy, gross, and dull. This is due to the imbalance of Apana. The third type of Prana is Samana which is present as the digestive fire in the digestive system, i.e., in the stomach. It is the agni or the fire that helps digest the food. Samana is that which helps indigestion, and it also helps other bodily systems. It helps in balancing the system. T...

In The Absolute Silence, we in The Master's Company, experience The Lord in His True Radiant Form

The Master's Voice 90 The Master's say, "It is very difficult for a Bhakta who has tasted The Naama Ras to live beyond it. Such is the sweetness of the nectar of The Naama, we want to be constantly and continuously immersed in it. This status is attained by the Bhakta's who Lives in The Master's Will. The Master initiates the Bhakta and blesses him with The Naama. It is The Simran of The Naama which enables us to awaken our Consciousness and transfix our Dhyaan on The Master's physical form. We collect our scattered Consciousness at the eye center. We do the Antar Simran and connect with The True Naama of The Lord, within us. Our Antar Dhyaan enables us to have The Darshan of The Master in The True Naama Form. There is Absolute Silence inside us, we enjoy Bliss and Peace.  In The Absolute Silence, we in The Master's Company, experience The Lord in His True Radiant Form, The Divine Light and The Divine Sound. The Divine Light leads us towards The Lord's ...

The life is an opportunity to traverse on the Spiritual Path and Reach The Lord

The Master's Voice 91 The Master's say, "The life is an opportunity to traverse on the Spiritual Path and Reach The Lord. Only a few succeed in Realising The Lord within. It is The Master's Disciple who experience The Naama within and have The Darshan of The Lord, in His True Form, The Divine Light. And also Hear The Call from The True Home, SatLok, through The Divine Sound. The Disciple imbibes all the Characters of The Lord in him. Though Living amongst us, His Soul is in SatLok enjoying The Eternal Bliss and Peace in Samaadhi state. Let us hear about the Divine greatness of such Disciple who Traversed from a simple human to Disciple, from Disciple to Saint; From Saint to The Master; From The Master to The Lord, thanks to unflinching Bhakti towards The Lord. 'Sweet are the lips of the Disciple, who is always immersed in The Simran and Dhyaan of The Naama. The True Naama is the Spiritual Mantra flowing from The Lord's Home, Satlok. It is only by connecting our...

We will share the smiles with everyone, we meet

The Master's Voice 92 The Master says, "We often put all sorts of conditions on our happiness. We think, "I can't be happy until I graduate from school. I can't be happy until I get a different job. I can't be happy until I meet the right person to marry. I can't be happy until I migrate to America. Wherever we go, whatever change we make, still our mental condition remains the same. It will recreate same questions in a different format. Like, Graduation completed, still no changes in life. Higher salary and a new job, but EMI has gone up. Now I am married, but demands have increased. My village was better than American living conditions. Thus, we should be happy always, and not depend on the outcome of outer conditions, for us to be happy. We should just be happy because we are alive to see another day. The happiness is a state of mind and till the mind searches for the happiness through our sense organs, we can not be happy. Because our sense organs conn...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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