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Separation brings insecurity..

Two rivers merge into an ocean..Right??  Wake up!  Separation brings insecurity.. When you are one with the divinity, know that you are absolutely secure.. Relax.. Divine love is the phenomenon of dissolving and merging with the infinity.. Divine is yours.. Drop all your worries and botherations..Go back feeling lighter than before.. Smile and make others smile.. I am with you..

Be happy..

If a child gives chance to others so that they can play, is it good? Yes.. Wake up!  You are always a winner.. Sometimes you win or sometimes you make others win.. Got it?  Be happy.. Relax.. Know that life is much bigger than birth and death, success or failure. You are the pure eternal self.. Know this , walk like a king.. God is with you.

Sudarshan kriya is a unique breathing process, which removes stress from the body

What is Sudarshan Kriya? The Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional and social well-being is an integral part of Art of Living programmes. It is preceded by Ujjayi Pranayam or long and deep breaths with constriction at the base of throat and Bhastrika or fast and forceful breaths through the nose along with arm movements. It is today universally acclaimed for its effectiveness in eliminating stress and bringing one completely into the present moment. As H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, the Sudarshan Kriya came to him like an inspiration to bridge the gap between the worlds of inner silence and outer expression of life. Nature is replete with various rhythms and cycles - day follows night, night follows day, seasons come and go. Similarly, there are biological rhythms to our bodies, minds and emotions. When these rhythms are in sync, we feel a sense of harmony and well-being. When stress or illness...


This universe is so beautiful. There are so many types of flowers, fruits, trees, animals, human beings; such variety has been created so that you can be happy. But the human mind is such that it does not allow you to be happy. Even in the best of places, the mind goes on with the memory of something that happened in the past; this is what is so amazing. The mind is the biggest mystery. Your own mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. The mind is responsible for our happiness as well as misery. When the mind is in the present moment, everything appears to be beautiful. However, when the mind is a mess; even in the best of places, it can find a thousand reasons to be miserable. There are FIVE MODULATIONS OF THE MIND: First, the mind wants proof for everything. How can you get proof for everything? Impossible! Second, the mind does not understand things the way they actually are, but thinks something else. You thought something; a little later found out it was not a...


The one who takes all his attention towards the energy plexus in the body becomes free from worldly worries.What is that bothers us? It is the feverishness in us that bothers us. The want of something more bothers us. It is surprising that we live with our body throughout our life but we never take attention to our own body. This body is wonderful. It is like Mega city. Crores of bacteria lives in our body. Some are friendly while some are unfriendly. Intestine alone has nearly 50,000 bacteria in it. There are 72,000 veins or highways running in our body. It’s all beautiful to observe it. The soul is also called Purush. The one who lives in Town. There is no gender discrimination over here. A chakra or a wheel is a point of prana (energy) in our subtle body, located in the physical counterparts of our body like the veins, arteries and nerves. Yoga is an extremely beneficial way to release the prana or life force whenever it is stuck. Yoga releases the musty energy and invit...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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