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12 women volunteers who have made a difference: Inspiring stories from the field. Women are born givers. They are naturally inclined to contribute and make a difference. This International Women’s Day, we are celebrating the dynamism and power of volunteerism by recounting a few stories of the women heroes in The Art of Living. 1. Chandrani Biswas & Sujala Roy ------------------------------------------------------ Chandrani Biswas and Sujala Roy are not ordinary IT professionals. For over a decade, this duo  has been changing the lives of kids in Kolkata’s slums with their unique mentoring initiative called ‘Light a Lamp’. They have already reached out to a thousand children who have blossomed to their potential. Read their story of love and care, one that has turned them into mothers of a thousand children. Read their full story. 2. Indu Sinha --------------------- When Indu Sinha read a feature in t...


Lord Krishna says beautifully explains about Seva in the Bhagavad Gita,  Na hi kascit ksanam api jatu tisthaty akarma-akrt |  Karyate hy-avasah karma sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih || (3.5)  It means that nobody in the world can remain without doing anything. We have to do at least something. And whatever we do, we should do using our Viveka (discretion) or discrimination, and we should not be guided by the impulses of the mind. When you have come to this world, do something good that benefits everybody. Do not stay entangled in thinking only what you will get. There is nothing for you to take away from this world. There is nothing to take away from here. You have come to give. You have come here to do something beneficial for everybody. And you should all get together in doing service. Do not complain that ‘I do not get any fun or pleasure in doing Seva’. Doing Seva for the sake of deriving pleasure or some sort of satisfaction too is a very poor approach in life. If you are...

What is right and wrong

You can know it by asking your inner self. If you have done something wrong, it will pinch you. But if you did something right, you will be fearless. You don’t have any fears when you do something right. When you commit a wrong deed, you feel a pinch, an irritation inside. You start facing problems. I would suggest one parameters to judge to know whether walking on the right path or not i.e. If you have a dream of long-term happiness for everyone, then it is fine. Happiness for a short period and misery for a long period is not right. Moreover, Greed, jealousy and anger, if these three things are behind your action, even if it is a good action, it will be wrong. But, if your action is not our of greed, jealousy, anger or hatred, then what you do is right. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Gurudev, I have a lot of knowledge but very little devotion. How do I go from knowledge towards devotion?

First stop thinking that you have little devotion. Who says that you do not have devotion? It is there and in abundance. It can never be less. If you want it to grow more, read the Narada Bhakti Sutra (A scripture on aphorisms of Divine Love by Sage Narada on the @ArtofLivingApp ), sing bhajans, dance, and celebrate. If you are reading too much then you should reduce that. Instead, do more Seva and Serve people. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 


Weekly Knowledge 106 Montreal Ashram 18 Jun 1997  Canada SENSITIVITY AND STRENGTH Those who are sensitive often feel weak. Those who feel strong are often insensitive. Some people are sensitive to themselves but insensitive to others . They often feel the others are "bad guys." Those who are sensitive to others but not to themselves often end up feeling Poor me. Some conclude it's better not to be sensitive ,because sensitivity brings pain. They shut off .But mind you , if you are not sensitive, you will lose all the finer things in life, too--intuition, beauty and ecstasy of love. Insensitive people usually do not recognize their weakness .And those who are sensitive do not recognize that their sensitivity is their strength . This path and this Knowledge make you strong and sensitive . Sensitivity is intuition .Sensitivity is compassion . Sensitivity is love .Sensitivity is real strength: calmness , endurance ,silence ,non-reactiveness ,confidence ,faith --and a smile. B...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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