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100 Scientific Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya (SKY)!!

100 Scientific Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya (SKY)!! #Reason 2 to learn SKY : #Sudarshankriya & Increases Lung capacity !!!               21% Increase in lung Capacity is seen. Learn Sudarshan Kriya: To learn more about exciting research on art of living techniques :

Be with clarity in mind, purity in heart and sincere actions

You will not get water by digging small pits in 10 places around the water. This is a path to sadhana, if you have come to the Art Of Living, just keep walking on this path with complete faith and devotion. The Art Of Living has everything that was in the period of Sri Krishna 5000 years ago from today. Laughter-happiness, silence, knowledge, festival dance everything is here. I promise you to keep walking with full faith on this way. You will get everything; you will not be lacking in your life. The wrapping paper may be very fascinating but the real gift lies inside. Right ? Wake up. Others may judge you by the outer behaviour. Never mind. Drop all the labels. Look at the real inner gift that you carry within you. Unwrap yourself. See yourself beyond the opinions of the people. Be with clarity in mind, purity in heart and sincere actions. I am with you.  *Be happy.*💕😊😊💕 *Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar*


Weekly Knowledge 102 Vienna 21 May 1997  Austria DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT Just like you run out of fuel in the car and you have to refill it again and again, in the same way your dedication and commitment runs out in the course of time and it needs constant renewal! You have to dedicate and rededicate again and again. Often people take their dedication for granted and then the mind starts demanding or complaining. When dedication is not complete, it leads to grumbling and complaints. Total dedication brings enormous enthusiasm, zeal, trust, and challenge, and does not leave any room for ego. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र १०२ २७ मई , १९९७ विएना , ऑस्ट्रेलिया उत्सर्ग और निष्ठा तुम्हारी गाडी का ईंधन समाप्त हो जाता है और उसे बार-बार भरवाना पड़ता है। उसी प्रकार तुम्हारी उत्सर्ग और निष्ठा की भावना समय के साथ घटती चली जाती है और उनको बार-बार नवीकरण करने की आवश्यकता है। तुम्हें स्वयं को बार-बार सम्पूर्ण करते जाना है , अन्यथा समर्पित होने के बाद भी मन फिर से...


Weekly Knowledge 101 Bad Antogast 14 May 1997  Germany THE WORLD BELONGS TO YOU Pleasure or pain is an intense sensation in the 4 to 6 foot body. When we are not caught up in this then we are truly and sincerely able to say, "I belong to you." That is when all the cravings and aversions, desires and doubts fall off -- and in a moment the world belongs to you. All your miseries surround the "I, I, I, . . . ", "I want this, I like that, I don't like this . . ." Just let go. The sun rises and sets, the grass grows, the river flows, the moon shines and I am here forever! How do you feel if someone praises you? Answer: "Shy, happy, great, embarrassed . . . " It does something to you, doesn't it? It doesn't do anything to me! When you praise the moon, the mountains, Lake Lucerne, the Black Forest . . .it doesn't do anything to them. They remain the same. Just like that I am part of nature. If you enjoy praising me, you may do so. In fac...

Be compassionate

Ice can melt into water but a stone can't..Isn't it?? Wake up! If somebody is behaving indifferently, know that they do not have that sensitivity which you have... Be compassionate.. Relax.. Focus on yourself.. Bring smiles on the faces of the people and give them the confidence to move on in life.. This we all can do.. Spread love, spread smiles.. I am with you.. WAVES OF HAPPINESS 

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