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Weekly Knowledge 93 Rishikesh 19 Mar 1997  India A FRIEND IS AN ENEMY AND AN ENEMY IS A FRIEND In the company of your friends, you lose your centeredness. Your enemy puts you back in yourself. Your friend sympathizes with you and makes you believe in matter. Your enemy makes you feel helpless and takes you to the spirit. So your enemy is your friend and your friend is your enemy! Krishna said to Arjuna: One who is unfriendly everywhere (including himself); his consciousness is stable and awareness is established. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९३ १९, मार्च, १९९७ ऋषिकेश , भारत मित्र शत्रु है, शत्रु एक मित्र मित्रो की संगति में आप अपने केंद्र से विचलित हो जाते है। आपका शत्रु ही आपको वापस आत्म-स्थित करता है। आपका मित्र आपके साथ सहानुभूति दिखा कर आपका विश्वास भौतिकता में लाता है। शत्रु आपको विवश एवं असहाय अनुभव कराता है और आपका मन आत्मा की ओर ले जाता है। इसलिए , शत्रु आपका मित्र है और आपका मित्र, शत्रु !! कृष्ण अर्जुन से कहते है : "जो हमेशा सबसे अमित्रता रखता है (...


Weekly Knowledge 92 New Delhi 13 Mar 1997  India THE ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT Being in a crowd when you are alone is ignorance. Enlightenment is being alone in a crowd. Feeling of oneness in a crowd is a sign of wisdom. Knowledge of life brings confidence, and knowledge of death makes you fearless and centered. What is fear? Fear of separatedness. Celebrate while you are alone and when you are with people. Some know to celebrate when they are in a crowd. Some can only rejoice alone in silence. I tell you to do both. Celebrate the silence and Celebrate the noise. Celebrate the life and Celebrate the death. This is the Eleventh Commandment! 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९२ १३ मार्च , १९९७ नई दिल्ली, भारत ईश्वर का ग्यारहवां आदेश जब तुम अकेले हो तो भीड़ में रहना अज्ञानता है। ज्ञान-प्राति है भीड़ में भी अकेले रहना। भीड़ में सभी के साथ एकता महसूस करना बुद्धिमता का लक्षण है। जीवन के प्रति ज्ञान आत्म -विश्वास लता है और मृत्यु का ज्ञान तुम्हें निडर बनाता है , आत्म-केंद्रित ...

When we are on this path, to what extent can we hear knowledge from other Gurus?

Question - Gurudev, when we are on this path, to what extent can we hear knowledge from other Gurus? Gurudev Sri Sri - I would say, respect everybody. There is only one knowledge and that is available to you. But if you go on shopping here and there, you will get in to more confusion. We say, 'Do 50 Someone else will say, 'No. So Hum is not correct, do Hum Sa’. And a third person will say, ' Hum Sa is not correct, you should do Sada So Hum', and then you get in to a bigger mess. So, respect everybody and stick to one knowledge. If it has given you any satisfaction, any upliftment in life, you should go deep into it. There is no point in digging many holes. In one place go deeper.

People sometimes give me the feeling of being invisible. What to do about that? Please give my family a blessing.

Question - Gurudev, people sometimes give me the feeling of being invisible. What to do about that? Please give my family a blessing. Gurudev Sri Sri - Invisible, meaning people don't recognise you? Never mind. That is even better. When nobody recognizes you, nobody has any demands from you. You know, being a Guru is a very big job. So many demands are there. You have to be watchful and alert every minute, and be available every minute. It is good that you are invisible. Happy-go-lucky. Never mind.

I want to know how far I have progressed in my spiritual development. These days I have even stopped running behind your car. Does this mean that I have grown spiritually, or does this mean that my devotion towards you has decreased?

Question - Gurudev, I want to know how far I have progressed in my spiritual development. These days I have even stopped running behind your car. Does this mean that I have grown spiritually, or does this mean that my devotion towards you has decreased? Gurudev Sri Sri - This only you can know. Once you have come on this path, you will progress. You will only move forward. See, do not measure your growth by whether or not you run behind my car. Never do that. How centered have you become? This is what you need to see. The more centered you become, the more you have progressed on the path. Wherever you are, be there and become still. Bring your mind to the self. What you need to remember is that there is no lack of devotion in you. Do not even think that you do not have enough devotion. Yes, sometimes devotion may get hidden, but that is only for some time, soon it will come up again. Feelings cannot always be constant. Our passion also will not be the same all the time. There will be u...

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