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Do Random Acts Of Kindness

Abiding in the self you become the valentine for the whole world. Spirit is the valentine of matter, and matter is the valentine of spirit. They are made for each other. They uphold each other. If you do not respect the spirit, then matter is not pleased.  If you honor the spirit then you will take care for the world, and when you care for the world it will take care of you. You are the Christmas tree. At the time of year when no tree bears anything, it has many gifts to offer. A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself.  Similarly, all the gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. Anyone who comes to you, you offer them your gifts. When you show kindness, your true nature comes into play. Have you ever done acts of kindness without expecting anything out of it? Our service should not be mechanical.  Once some boy scouts were at a Sunday service, when the priest said, you should serve. They asked, what is this service? Could you g...

Be A Student Always

Know that you are a student forever. Do not underestimate anybody. Knowledge may come to you from any corner. Remember the ancient saying - let knowledge flow to me from all the sides. Each occasion teaches you and each person teaches you. The world is your teacher. When you are always looking to learn, you will stop underestimating others. Humility will dawn in your life. There is a nice story. A man earned a lot of money and then gave all his property to his son. The son then built a small house behind his big house and told his parents. Now you have to stay there. So the old couple stayed there, while the son and his family lived in the bungalow.  One day, while playing, the grandchild came to his grandfather's home, where everything was in pathetic condition. The grandchild said, Grandpa, be careful with your plate and chair. Don't break them.  When he asked why, the child said, because tomorrow, my father will need them. One does not realise this fact. You are...

Dream The Impossible

Unless you have a dream, you cannot realise it. Every invention has come out of dream. Dream the impossible. Obviously, dreaming employs something which is beyond your perceived capacity.  Consider the faculty which is preceptor of the dream. Some dreams have impacted your daily living and others have not. Some dreams you remember, and others you have forgotten.  We are all born in this world to do something wonderful and unique, don't let this opportunity pass by. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Have the courage and determination to achieve those dreams that are dear to you.  Many a times people who dreamt big were ridiculed, but they remained strong to achieve their goals. Do something creative. Not a year should pass without doing something creative. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji  25 WAYS TO A BETTER LIFE 

Compare Your Performance

As we flip the calendar, we need to keep flipping. our mind as well. Often, our diaries are full with memories. See that you don't fill your future dates with past events.  Allow the space for creativity to unlearn from the pat, and move on. In the past year, how many days were you in sanyas? How many days were you struggling, being caught in the maya?  Turn back and remember the whole year. Do not run away from anything. Do not reject anything. Do not go away from anything. At the same time, let your attention be on the self. This is a delicate balance.  That balance is yoga. A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment. How rich are you? If you celebrate every moment, you are the Lord of Creation.  Review the year while you celebrate. This is your homework. Compare your performance in the year before last and smile. This year is fortunate because you are living at this time. ...

Feel That "I Am Blessed

There is so much talk about success. Have you ever thought what success is? Success is simply ignorance about one's capabilities. Success is ignorance about the power of the self because you assume you can do only this much. If there are obstacles, you are clear about your objective.  With a calm and serene mind, think of many possibilities. Know that failures are stepping stones for greater success. Actually, there are no failures in life. All the seeming failures are only stepping stones for greater success. If you feel the obstacle is too much, deep prayer can work miracles.  The feeling that I am blessed can help you overcome any failure. Once you realise that you are blessed, than all the complaints disappear, all the grumbling disappears, all the insecurities disappears, a sense of not being loved disappears, wanting love disappears.  Ego is always ambitious and wants to do tough jobs like climbing Mount Everest whereas in a simple act like watching a bu...

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