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Banana flower

banana flower The iron queen of the food world .The people of srilanka also use the names "Kesel muwa" and "watumuha" for the banana flower that is eaten. Among the ancients, banana was a very nutritious.According to the latest findings, it has been found that there are 56.4 milligrams of iron in one hundred grams of banana flowers. In other words, a pregnant mother needs to eat only 50 grams of banana flowers to get the required amount of iron daily.It has been found that banana flower as well as the bark of banana tree works exceptionally to control diabetes and obesity.   pain during menstruation and some women experience heavy menstrual bleeding. A spoonful of cooked banana flower curry in your rice bowl can have these amazing results. Banana flowers cooked with yogurt have also been found to increase progesterone hormone in the body and reduce bleeding.Prevents cancer and heart disease Kehel flower helps in increasing breast milk secretion in mother...

Cucumber Balances Pitta

Cucumber Balances Pitta When we analyze the properties of cucumber based on ayurvedic principles, it pacifies pitta dosha. Pitta dosha is associated with heat. Pitta when aggravated can cause acidity, heart burn, high blood pressure, irregular sleep pattern, acne, irritability, and emotional disturbances. Cucumber helps to reduce vitiation of pitta and cools the body. Ayurvedic treatment for difficulty in urination, excessive thirst, headache and insomnia. Sushruta Samhita, the Ayurvedic treatise, mentions that cucumber is a sheetala (coolant), mutrakaraka (diuretic), and shodhana (cleans urinary gladder). Reference

Ayurvedic seasonal regimen

ayurvedic seasonal regimen “seasonal regimen.” Simply eating the recipes from the  seasonal chapters will get you started on this aspect of the Ayurvedic lifestyle.  Changing your foods with the weather keeps you well Traditionally, Ayurveda recognized six seasons, because the weather of the srilanka and all  Indian subcontinent sees varying levels of heat, cold, and moisture, including  monsoons. For our purposes in the europ, we identify four seasons, this way:  SPRING: Cool and damp  SUMMER: Hot and humid  FALL: Cooling and increasingly dry  WINTER: Cold and dry  In spring, the environment is cool. The tastes that balance spring are pungent, bitter, and astringent. Pungency  warms, melts, and mobilizes; bitter and astringent tastes lighten and reduce  excess moisture. Reduce building foods, be sure to exercise, and eat only when  Hungry In the winter, dry and cold qualities accumulate. The increase of building  qualiti...

Lotus roots

lotus roots Lotus Roots are a powerhouse of nutrients like vitamins and mineralsLotus Roots are low in calories and it is believed that adding this root vegetable in your diet can significantly reduce the bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The presence of healthy dietary fibers helps in improving digestion and relieves ailments like constipation and eventually helps in losing weight.Also, because lotus root has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, it is very effective when applied to acute fever and burns. it has properties that are good for the heart and protect the heart as well as stop the blood. is used for doing). Also, effective results can be obtained by practicing this in diseases of blood contamination like visarpa, visthotha (sores) and blood deficiency. The presence of Potassium in Lotus Roots makes it a great vasodilator, which helps in reducing the bad cholesterol from our blood. It also prevents clogging up of...

Banana flower curry

banana flower curry 1 banana flower 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder(1/2 teaspoon for soaking the chopped banana flower/ 1/2 a teaspoon used for tempering) 2 tablespoons of Oil(ghee,coconut oil,sesame oil 5-6 curry leaves(substitute with a bay leaf) some ginger ,galic 1 onion, sliced fine 4 full table spoon coconut milk 1 tea spoon paprika powder 1 tea spoon curry powder 1 tea spoon rostted curry powder some fenugreek seed 1 tablespoon of tamarind juice Method. The first step of making the banana flower recipe is, cleaning and chopping it for the banana flower recipe. Have a bowl ready with water, salt, and turmeric(1/2 tsp)added to it. Soak in water for 5 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the liquid. Place a pan over medium heat. Pour in oil(2 tbs), then temper curry leaves(5-6), ginger ,galic, fenugreek seed and onion(1)until they turn golden in colour. add kurkuma paprika and curry powder. Turn heat to low and add the banana flowers to the pan. Combine and cook for 5 minu...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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