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Flower/Plant : Caesalpinia lutea (Peacock flower)

Flower/Plant : Caesalpinia lutea(Peacock flower)  Origin : West Indies and tropical America. Plant Type : Fabaceae Season : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Flowers in flushes throughout the year About :  Native to America and the West Indies. - Evergreen shrub. - Profuse and free flowering. Few shrubs put up such a vibrant display of color. - Have plenty of color on them during late monsoon - when most other plants are green and growing. - Tall shrub up to 2-3 m. Can be pruned and kept to 1 to 1.5 mts. - Recommended as a single specimen plant in small gardens or as a group in large gardens. - Flowers on long slender stems Growing tips: - Very quick growing. - Grows best in full sunshine. - Well drained and light soils are perfect. - Should be heavily pruned in winter after flowering is finished. - Application of manure and fertilizer at the beginning of summer and monsoon will make the plants lush and bloom even more. Source : https://www....


Flower/Plant : Leadworts Origin : South East Asia Plant Type : Perennial Season : Annual but mostly between June and August About :  Perennial leadwort (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides), also known as hardy plumbago, is a long-blooming, semi-woody perennial from western China that will grow throughout South Carolina. This relatively underused perennial blooms in late summer through fall with ½- to ¾- inch-diameter gentian-blue flowers that resemble those of woodland phlox. Flowers occur in a compact inflorescence or cluster at the ends of branches. Source : Reference  Ashish Kumar Singh 


Flower/Plant : Oleaceae Origin: Southeast Asia and Australia Plant Type : Olive Season: Mostly on May and June About : . Members of the family Oleaceae are woody plants, mostly trees and shrubs; a few are lianas. Some of the shrubs are scandent, climbing by scrambling into other vegetation. Leaves without stipules; simple or pinnately or ternately compound. The family is characterized by opposite leaves. Alternate or whorled arrangements are rarely observed, with some Jasminum species presenting a spiral configuration. The laminas are pinnately veined and can be serrate, dentate or entire at the margin. Domatia are observed in certain taxa. The leaves may be either deciduous or evergreen, with evergreen species predominating in warm temperate and tropical regions, and deciduous species predominating in colder regions. The flowers are most often bisexual and actinomorphic, occurring in racemes or panicles, and often fragrant. The calyx and corolla, when present, are gamosepa...

Cooktown Orchid , Dendrobium bigibbum

Flower/Plant : Cooktown Orchid(Dendrobium bigibbum)  Origin: Queensland, Australia, and the Maluku province of Indonesia Plant Type : Orchidaceae Season: Spring (Early,Mid,Late) Summer (Early,Mid) About : . Dendrobium bigibbum is one of a group of Dendrobium species that are collectively known as the Cooktown orchid. It forms small to medium sized slender clumps on trees and rocks. Clumps consist of a number of erect, cylindrical stems which are slightly swollen in the middle with rounded bases. The stems are green or purplish and can reach a height of 1.2m and a width of 15mm. When the stems are young they are covered in papery bracts (very small scale-like leaves). There are 3-12 leaves on the upper part of the stem. Leaves are narrowly ovate, 5-15cm long by 0.5-3.5cm wide and dark green but often with purplish margins or heavily suffused with purple. The arching flower stems can reach 40cm and bear 2-20 flowers. The flowers are pansy-like and usually l...

Caesalpinia lutea , Peacock flower

Flower/Plant : Caesalpinia lutea(Peacock flower)   Origin : West Indies and tropical America. Plant Type : Fabaceae Season : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Flowers in flushes throughout the year About :  Native to America and the West Indies. - Evergreen shrub. - Profuse and free flowering. Few shrubs put up such a vibrant display of color. - Have plenty of color on them during late monsoon - when most other plants are green and growing. - Tall shrub up to 2-3 m. Can be pruned and kept to 1 to 1.5 mts. - Recommended as a single specimen plant in small gardens or as a group in large gardens. - Flowers on long slender stems Growing tips: - Very quick growing. - Grows best in full sunshine. - Well drained and light soils are perfect. - Should be heavily pruned in winter after flowering is finished. - Application of manure and fertilizer at the beginning of summer and monsoon will make the plants lush and bloom even more. Source : https://www...

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