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Fabaceae – A versatile family rich in useful products -1st part

Fabaceae – A versatile family rich in useful products -1st part Fabceae is a chemically very versatile family with non-protein amino acids (more than half of reported n.p. amino acids are from this family) and phytoalexins as defensive compounds, characteristic lupinane type alkaloids and isoflavonoids esp. Rotenones. Other characteristic features are herbaceous habit, root nodules, papilionaceous flowers and diadelphous condition (9-united stamens forming a boat shaped open sheath carrying nectar) and legume fruit. This is a large family of 440 genera containing 12000 species. Uses This family provides all the pulses (protein source), oils, medicinal plants, biopesticides, natural dyes, biofuel and timber, 1. Pulses Pulses form the single largest source of proteins. They always provide all essential amino acids Which the human body cannot synthesize on it’s own). They are also easily digestible because water soluble albumins and globul...

Erythrina variegata

Erythrina variegata, commonly known as Tiger's Claw or Indian Coral Tree. पारिभद्र, फरहद, इत्यादि।  Erythrina variegata is valued as an ornamental tree.  In the Philippines its bark and leaves are used in alternative medicine. This is also used in Siddha medicine,. It is often used in agroforestry systems. It can be used for fodder as its foliage has a good nutritive value for most livestock. The seeds are poisonous in their raw state, but can be cooked and eaten.  There are many benefits of Coral tree reported in literature: 1. Reduce cholesterol 2. Improve digestive strength                                                                3. Help cure worm infestation 4. Treat swelling and inflammations 5. Cure anorexia 6. Relief from fever 7. Help fight obesity 8. Ge...

Cordia sebestena

Cordia sebestena of family Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not family).  Popular as लाल लसॊड़ा Lal Lasora, Scarlet Cordia, Orange Geiger Tree, Sebesten plum, Geiger Tree, Kamla buhal, Aechinaruvihli, Virigi It is a small tree and is seen as an ornamental (often as a street tree). "The tree is sometimes harvested from the wild for its edible fruit, which is eaten locally. The fruit also has medicinal uses and the timber is used locally. The plant is grown for its medicinal leaves in Cuba and is widely cultivated as an ornamental in the Old World Tropics, being valued especially for its large bright orange-red flowers." "The fruit is emollient. It is used in the treatment of fevers. The leaves are used medicinally in Cuba. The plant has been used as a remedy for intestinal and stomach complaints, and also for bronchial affections." Pawan kumar Gupta 

Pyrostegia venusta

Pyrostegia venusta belongs to family Bignoniaceae.  It continues to bloom from winter to April month. It is commonly known as flamevine or orange trumpetvine originally endemic to Brazil, but nowadays a well-known garden species. The genus name comes from the Greek and is descriptive of the colour of the flowers (that is 'pyro' = flame so red or orange flowers and 'stege' = covering)." Orange Trumpet Creeper or Brazilian flame vine. A vigorous evergreen climber which supports itself by means of coiled, tendrils from the apex of some of the compound leaves.  Synonyms: Bignonia ignea Vell. Bignonia tecomiflora Rusby Bignonia tubulosa Klotzsch Bignonia venusta Ker Gawl. Jacaranda echinata Spreng. Pyrostegia amabilis Miers nom. inval. Pyrostegia dichotoma Miers ex K.Schum. Pyrostegia ignea (Vell.) C.Presl Pyrostegia ornata Miers nom. inval. Pyrostegia pallida Miers nom. inval. Pyrostegia parvifolia Miers nom. inval. Pyrostegia puberula Miers nom. inval. P...

Euphorbia tithymaloides

Euphorbia tithymaloides or also popular by earlier name Pedilanthus tithymaloides has a large number of common names.  A few are: redbird flower, devil's-backbone, buck-thorn, cimora misha, christmas candle, fiddle flower, ipecacuahana, Jacob's ladder, Japanese poinsettia, Jew's slipper, Jewbush, milk-hedge, myrtle-leaved spurge, Padus-leaved clipper plant, red slipper spurge, redbird cactus, slipper flower, slipper plant, slipper spurge, timora misha, and zig-zag plant, Cimora Misha, ... It is mainly used as an outdoor plant. It is propagated by seed or cutting. It has known toxic properties. "...gardeners are cautioned to wear goggles, gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants." It can be planted in landfill sites or toxic waste sites "because it is one of the few plants which can thrive in these more difficult environments". Is a medicinal and poisonous plant.  "The roots, stems, and leaves of the plant are known to be toxic. Thes...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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