Weekly Knowledge 54 Somewhere in Beautiful British Columbia 19 Jun 1996 Canada WHEN WE ARE JOYFUL When we are joyful, we don't look for perfection. If you are looking for perfection then you are not at the source of joy. Joy is the realization that there is no vacation from wisdom. The world appears imperfect on the surface but underneath, all is perfect. Perfection hides; imperfection shows off. The wise will not stay on the surface but will probe into the depth. Things are not blurred; your vision is blurred. Infinite actions prevail in the wholeness of consciousness. And yet the consciousness remains perfect, untouched. As Satsangees, realize this now and be at Home. Koan (riddle) of the week: You better straighten out and become we. We are always one and you could be two. Answer next week . . . 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०५४ १९ जून, १९९६ ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया, कनाडा जब हम प्रसन्न होते है जब हम प्रसन्न होते है, हम पूर्णता नहीं खोजते। अगर तुम सम्पूर्णता ख...
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