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Weekly Knowledge 54 Somewhere in Beautiful British Columbia 19 Jun 1996  Canada WHEN WE ARE JOYFUL  When we are joyful, we don't look for perfection. If you are looking for perfection then you are not at the source of joy. Joy is the realization that there is no vacation from wisdom. The world appears imperfect on the surface but underneath, all is perfect. Perfection hides; imperfection shows off.  The wise will not stay on the surface but will probe into the depth. Things are not blurred; your vision is blurred. Infinite actions prevail in the wholeness of consciousness. And yet the consciousness remains perfect, untouched. As Satsangees, realize this now and be at Home.  Koan (riddle) of the week: You better straighten out and become we. We are always one and you could be two. Answer next week . . . 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०५४ १९ जून, १९९६ ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया, कनाडा जब हम प्रसन्न होते है जब हम प्रसन्न होते है, हम पूर्णता नहीं खोजते। अगर तुम सम्पूर्णता ख...

Knowledge is structured in consciousness

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine  Day 59 The scriptures which talk about love will have to be learned and heard, understood and digested. And the actions that they say there will have to be followed. Here Narada says this, because you can say that this also is a logic.  'If you say you don’t have to apply logic, that is also logic. Say, yes, yes, of course, I say no need of studying books and scriptures and this and that, but still you need something, so learn these sutras, learn this knowledge. When you are listening to it, just don’t think you have listened to it once, and finished.  These 84 sutras that he has said here, listen to them again and again, because every time you hear it, every time you practice it, it takes you deeper, it uplifts you to another level. Knowledge is structured in consciousness. And as you grow, your consciousness expands, the knowledge also changes.  You need to do all the service activity and the actions that have been prescribed in...

Truth is beyond arguments

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine  Day 58 Logic has many possibilities. You can use the same logic to prove something or to disprove something ask lawyers. Any point can be taken to prove something or to disprove the same thing. There are so many possibilities in logic. I have said earlier there are three types of logic. One is Tarka which means pure logic. And then Kutarka, wrong logic. And Vitarka is qualified logic.  I will give you an example. If a door is halfopen, that means it is halfshut that is logic. Wrong logic - if the door is half open, we agree it is half closed. So if it is fully open, then it must be fully closed. This is called kutarka, wrong logic. The flower is on the table and the table is on the floor, so the flower is on the floor. This is wrong logic.  Through this wrong logic, or Kutarka, only ignorance increases. And Vitarka is such a logic, such an inference, it simply amazes you. “Who am I?What is this all about? What is life? Who are You? Who...

Consciousness is indestructible

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine  Day 57 Consciousness is indestructible, like the bones in your body are indestructible. That is how they could find the bones of dinosaurs even after several million years. In the same way, if they were just left on this planet, your bones would stay forever.  Like the bones, which are the grossest of your existence, and the subtlest, your consciousness, also the eternal, the mind, the consciousness which harbours the thoughts and feelings, emotions, everything, is eternal, that stays forever. And all those whose body and mind, their body and spirit have separated, that spirit still exists, the soul still exists.  Those souls, those units of energy, those units of consciousness, simply rejoice in love. One ultimate question remains how much love you have gathered in your life and have given in your life. The flow of consciousness is towards that love, towards the Divine love, because that is the source from where it has come.  In ...

Divine beings

Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine Day 56 The devas, the divine beings, they dance and this earth finds their lordship. Among those devotees, there is no difference of race, caste or race, or from which family they have come-high class, low class, middle class, nothing of that sort. Nor have they studied do they have Ph.D. or are they Doctorate?  The same thing said from a Doctor has a different value, as said by someone who is not a doctor. The world does not hear them. A psychologist may not know much about the mind at all, but he carries more clout than a wise person who has more knowledge about the mind.  But in devotees there is no such difference. Religion or race, vidya-knowledge how much they know, how much they do not know, or how they look, or whether they are rich or poor, or what job they do. It is immaterial. Devotees, from whichever background they come, are all the same.  Because they belong to someone, they have become His. Once the devotees have become H...

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