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 Haritaki ( Terminalia Chebula) The deciduous Haritaki tree grows at an altitude of 1,800 meters. The round tree is crowned and braches spread out, with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 meters. The long ovate leaves are acute, in opposite pairs about 10 to 20 cm long. The flowers are dull white with spikes and can be found at the end of the branches.  The fruit is hard and yellowish green in color. Each fruit has a single seed that is light yellow in color. The tree can be found in the sub Himalayan tracks, from Ravi to West Bengal and in the deciduous forests of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Maharashtra. It is known as haritaki, abhaya and pathya in Sanskrit; harad in Hindi; hirada in Marathi; alalekaayi in Kannada; kadukkai in Tamil; horitoky in Bengali; xilikha in Assamese and karakkaya in Telugu.  Plant Chemicals   tannic acid, chebulinic acid, gallic acid, resin, anthraquinone, sennoside, mucilage, chebulin, terchebin, palmitic acid, stearic acid, ol...


 Kantakari / AkrantiPerennial Kantkari, botanically known as Solanum Xanthocarpum, is a very spiny diffused herb, with a height of up to 1.2 meters. The young branches are densely covered with minute star-shaped hair, while the mature branches are zigzag, covered with yellow, sharp shining prickles and spread close to the ground. The midribs and other nerves of the leaves have sharp yellow prickles and grow up to 10 cm in length. The purple flowers, that are 2 cm long with five petals, can be seen in small bunches, sometimes opposite to the leaves. Kantkari plant bears glabrous, globular drooping berries as fruits, yellow or pale in color, with green veins. The plant is cultivated throughout India. The herb is also known as Kantakari and Nidigadhika in Sanskrit; Kateli, Katai and Ringani in Hindi; Kantakari in Bengali; Bhuiringani in Marwai; Bhoyaringani in Gujarati; Pinnamulaka, Nelamulaka and Vankuda in Telugu; Kandankattiri in Tamil and Malayalam; Bhejibegun and An...


 Sadabahar (Vinca Rosea) Other Names: Nayantara, Periwinkle, Madagascar Periwinkle, Catharanthus Cape periwinkle is an attractive, evergreen shrub, bearing graceful pink or white salverform flowers. The plant is native to southeastern and eastern Madagascar. It gained world recognition after the European colonists exported it as an ornamental plant. Cape periwinkle can grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The glossy leaves of the plant are oval to oblong in shape and arranged in opposite pairs, with a pale midrib and a short petiole. The flowers usually have five petal-like lobes in it.  The blooms of the wild periwinkle are a pale pink, with a purple "eye" in the center. The plant can grow very well in poor and well-drained soils and will suffer if the soil is very healthy or too fertile. You have to pinch back the buds early in the season, to encourage branching and a fuller plant. Madagascar periwinkle doesn't need deadheading - the fl...


 Tulsi(Ocimum tenuiflorum) Indians have long worshipped Tulsi as a sacred plant. In fact, for thousands of years, Tulsi had been grown for spiritual reasons in the gardens of most Indian homes. Its branches, leaves and fragrance are used by Indians in for purification purposes and to heighten spiritual awareness. Thus, Tulsi is noted for these spiritual attributes, is commonly called “holy basil.” Also known by the names, “the Queen of Herbs,” “the Incomparable One” and “the Mother Medicine of Nature – Tulsi is also a powerful medicine. Though many herbs are valued highly in India, the stimulating powers of Tulsi were recognized by the ancient healers and sages, giving it a unique status as one of the most sacred herbs in India along with Soma and the Lotus. Tulsi Increases Your Stress Resilience: The best part of Tulsi is that it is one of the most effective adaptogens (an agent that helps the body adapt more efficiently to stress) ever known. Tulsi reduces the intensi...


 Kalmegh/ Bhui neem (Andrographis Paniculata) Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) is annual herb which occurs throughout India. Kalmegh is bitter tonic and is useful in treating fever, liver disorders, worms, abdominal gas and constipation.  Kalmegh has antipyretic (lowers fevers), anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiparasitic and hepatoprotective (liver proteccting) activities.  It can also be used to treat children suffering from liver and digestive system related problems. Kalmegh Information Botanical name: Andrographis paniculata Indian name: Bhunimba, Yavatikta, Kalamegha, Kirata English name: Kriate, Kariyat, Creat Bengali name: Alui Gujrati: Lilun kariyatun Telugu: Nelavemu Tamil: Nila vembu Kalmegh uses in ayurveda: Chronic fever : Take Kalmegh panchang(all parts of plant), clean and dry in shade. Make decoction by boiling 3-4 gm of it in water. Drink this decoction twice a day after mixing misri. Liver related problems, Infection in inte...

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