Therapeutic Uses of Camphor It comforts nasal blockage and cough, when applied on the chest as oil. Camphor is used as a component in throat drops and cough syrup and chock let like Vicks. Camphor is additionally used in various anti-itch ointments, gels of cooling and creams, as it can be preoccupied through the skin. It is capable in treating pain locally. It has an anaesthetic effect which makes it best-loved oil. It is also used in blends of massage to release pain from arthritis and muscle aches. Camphor is known to improve air quality, It is better for our lungs and heart. Many people are not knowledgeable about the power of camphor as a mosquito repellant, but it is very effectively with no side effects and low cost too. Camphor oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to relieve acne, pimples, boils; it is also beneficial in reducing pain, swelling that are resulted due to gum infection, neuralgia and rheumatism. Even thou camphorated oil are not recomm...
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