Chapter 5 - Crossing The Ocean Of Maya Day 36 It may begin as a small ripple but if you keep associating with it, it will become like an ocean. It will cloud your whole mind, your intellect. The same happens when some people irritate you. Observe that irritation. What happens? You get irritated, but somehow you manage to suppress. And the next time and the next time, the more you suppress your irritation, one day you just blow it all off. It all becomes so unbearable, it comes flooding out. Don't keep such a company. You know, you always keep the company of someone who is similar to you, or who you think is on your wave length, or equal to you. When someone is above you, you honour him, you respect him, idolize him. When someone is below you, then you don’t bother to take any notice of him, you brush him off. The company that you long for, or you want to keep, is that which is on par with you. And that is where all the anger and frustration start arising out of you....