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Obsession with sex, food, clothes or music, television or sightseeing, or anything, will only drain precious energy

Chapter 4 - Glorify The Divine Day 28 Obsession with sex, food, clothes or music, television or sightseeing, or anything, will only drain you of your precious energy. Are you getting what I am saying? Thinking about it constantly obsession is not letting go, is coming back to the source. This is one method.  See, the objects of senses create an attraction in you, and if you immediately gallop on your attractions, that attraction does not bring fulfillment, it dies out and leaves you in a state of inertia. Any one sense, if you use it too much, will only cause inertia, dullness.  If you are listening to music from morning to night, your brain will become one sided-only your left brain will function, the right brain will not function. You cannot think, logic dies out. You cannot perceive things properly. Your observation, your expression, everything suffers.  And it is the same way with all other senses. If you are using any one sense too much, that particular s...

Consciously bringing the mind into source brings a deep rest

Chapter 4 - Glorify The Divine Day 27 Once Mullah Naseruddin was galloping on his horse. He looked exhausted, tired. He couldn't even sit. He was lying flat on the back of the horse, hanging on to the horse. His face looked so dull and tired, his eyeballs rolling up.  The horse was moving around and around the same streets in the village. People asked, “Hey, Mullah, where are you going?” He said, “I haven't the least idea. Please ask the horse.” Our senses take us on such a gallop-we have no idea where we are going, what we are doing, what we want.  I had a friend in school. He would turn the radio on and he would not listen to any station for even one minute. He would keep tuning, keep searching, moving from one station to another station, not even two sentences of a song would he listen to he was So restless, he just could not keep from fiddling.  Similarly, we eat and we go on eating and eating. When you are asked what you ate, you don’t even know what you ...

Kasthuri Manjal

Kasthuri Manjal It is well known for its cosmetic and medical wellness.Kasthuri Manjal has been used as natural beauty product since ages. Did you ever wonder that what in you can attract someone? What is that you need to have so that you may stand out of the crowd? What is that one thing that can win you an opportunity? May it be a good job or a good impression or the attention of that special someone. Well, I don’t know whether you are aware of it but yes, I am talking about that flawless skin. That skin which you cannot leave behind or change unless you put some real efforts to it. If you have an exceptionally flawless skin, you are bound to look gorgeous, which means that you will automatically attract people towards yourself. But in this hectic schedule, we fail to keep up with the changing climate, the pollution, and the harsh sun. Due to which we gradually lose that dream skin. But this can be brought back. Did you ever think of how a small consistent daily act of yo...


STUDY ON CHAKRAS The Muladhara [mula = root; dhara = support] is a lotus of four petals. The petals are red, and have the letters Va, Sha (palatal), Sha (cerebral), Sa, in colors of gold. "In the pericarp is the square Dharaa-mandala surrounded by eight spears, and within it and in the lower part is the Dharaa- Bija, 'Lam,' who has four arms and is seated on the elephant Airaavata. He is of yellow color, and holds the thunderbolt [vajra] in his hands. "Inside the Bindu of the Dharaa-Bija is the Child Brahma, who is red in color, and has four hands with which he holds the staff [danda], the gourd [kamandalu], the Rudraksha rosary, and makes the gesture which dispels fear [abhaya-mudra]. He has four faces. "In the pericarp there is a red lotus, on which sits the presiding Divinity of the Chakra [chakraadhisthaatri], the Shakti DAKINI. She is red and has four arms, and in Her hands are the spear [shula], skull-staff [khatvanga], sacrificial sword [khadga], and drink...

The Power Of Vedic Mantras

The Power Of Vedic Mantras Stress – one word that lies at the heart of many ailments. In today’s life, it is difficult to break away from the multiple problems life throws in our way. At every step, there is a challenge to face. From morning to night, the mind and body are embroiled in sorting out one problem or the other. And, this is not so only in the life of adults. Children too are not spared from the difficulties of life. From a very young age, they are stressed out which leads to dire consequences in their adult life. Satyanarayan Vrat And Its Importance But problems are a part and parcel of life. How can one escape them? Well, there is no escape for sure but what can be done is to build up an endurance level, develop a sound mind, enhance problem solving skills and prepare a calm and controlled conscience. These may sound a bit too much to achieve in these times, but these are exactly some of the benefits of chanting Vedic mantras. What are mantras Vedic mantras originated in t...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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