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SEVEN DHATUS Dhatu are basically the body tissues which are responsible for the functioning of the systems and organs and the structure of the body. Each of the Dhatus is built out of a previous one and they develop on the nourishment that comes from the digestive system. They are basically the result of the action of catalysts that convert one tissue to another. Seven Dhatus The sole purpose of metabolism is to assemble proper ‘Dhatus’ together in synchronization with which they carry out their role as the field of physiological activity.Dhatus which are of seven different types work in coordination with one another. They are: life sap (rasa), blood (rakta), muscles (mansa), fatty tissue (med), bones (asthi), bone marrow and nervous tissue (majja) and semen and reproductive system (shukra). It works in such a way that one tissue or dhatu transforms to the next from the nourishment they get from the digestive sysytem.There are seven dhatus in all rasa, rakta, mansa, med, as...

Ayurveda In Puranas And Upa Puranas: Description of References

Ayurveda In Puranas And Upa Puranas: Description of References Puranas are Hindu religious texts of ancient times and are parts of Vedas. They contain narratives related to the history of the Universe from creation to destruction and the genealogies of kings, heroes, sages and demigods. They were primarily composed in Sanskrit, but also in regional languages, several of these texts are named after Hindu deities such as Vishnu, Shiva and Devi. The Puranas genre of literature is found in both Hinduism and Jainism. Puranas are related to Ayurveda, the most ancient medical science known to the Earth. The 4th century would be definitely considered as a turning point for the Indian History. The popularization of Vedas and Hindu philosophy was accelerated through the publication of a number of Puranas and the epics. The object of Puranas is to represent natural descriptions from Vedas and some historical events in the form of stories. The compilation of Puranas was attributed to Vyasa, the au...

Ayurveda | History of Medicine

History of Medicine: Ayurveda,  I can’t believe it’s been half a year since I’ve written on this. Lots going on, but I’m picking up after reading about Hinduism and Buddhism months ago, delving into Ayurveda, which gets its underlying philosophy from the aforementioned religions of India. Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medical system of India, originating two to three thousand years ago. The word Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit, ayus meaning life and veda, knowledge. Simply put, Ayurveda is the knowledge or science of life. Ayurveda has a holistic approach to medicine, focusing on the whole person, mind and body. Spirituality and preventative lifestyle are crucial (Mukherjea), with healthy eating playing an important role in the maintenance of the body (Watts). BEGINNINGS Ancient Indian history usually begins with the Harappan civilizations in Pakistan/northwest ancient India. The area thrived during the same time as the Old Kingdom in Egypt, so around 3500 BC, and lasted until...

Ultimate Love

Chapter 2 - Beginning The Spiritual Journey  Day 11 Knowing which one is intoxicated. When you go through all this paraphernalia of negative emotions, that is when you just want to forget everything. Then people just want to drink and intoxicate themselves.  But love is the best intoxicant available. Divine love is such an intoxication. Knowing which you become drunk, you get intoxicated, spaced out. What else will any of this excitement do to you? It brings you to a state of amazement, doesn't it? “Ahh, wow”. This feeling arises in you. Love takes you to that state. Knowing which you become so stunned, smitten, completely awestruck. You become so still, you repose in yourself. You are in such deep rest, deep peace. You are rejoicing yourself and reposing in the Self.  All these are the glories of love. “How can I have it now? I just want to have that, nothing more, finished with everything else-no job, no work. I will leave everything, I want just that. How c...

Absolute love with Gurudeva and Sudarshan Kriya

I did the course in 2005 and fell in absolute love with Gurudeva and Kriya on the second day itself. Since then, I have been doing Kriya regularly and have not missed it even for a day. Quite recently, an unexpected miracle happened and amazed me, my mother and even the hospital ward boy. Couple of months back, I was facing health issues and had to undergo Sonography. The reports completely astonished me. I was shocked to hear that both my kidneys had swollen and urine had filled the bladder. The reports came as a shock to the doctor as well. The doctor advised me Catheterization for at least a month. Catheter is something which helps to drain out the urine. It is like a plastic bag with a fine tube through which the urine goes into the bag. So that the tube does not come out, there is a small balloon with some gel in it. Due to this sticky gel, the tube does not come out. But, if the balloon bursts, the tube comes out and it can be harmful. It had been 25 days; and finall...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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