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Liberation is exiting with the knowingness

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷              Chapter 5               Winning immortality      🌻 Day 40 🌻 ‘What’ – we discussed the Kena Upanishad. It comes in order. First is Isha, then Kena and then Katho – this comes third. Bodh mantra, just the knowingness, not knowledge or the knower. From objects of knowing to knowledge to the knowingness to the knower – these are the four steps to the Self. You can never make the Divine an object of knowing. This is what people are trying to do in the whole world. “Can I see God? Have you seen God?” When people ask these questions, it is so stupid. The Self cannot be an object of knowing. It is the knowingness itself.  It is in death that the knowingness is not there; just like in sleep your knowingness is absent. Liberation is exiting with the knowingness, like witnessing your sleep. You might have had one or two glimpses here and there, maybe in an adva...

Winning immortality

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                  Chapter 5                Winning immortality       🌻 Day 39 🌻 Basically Nachiketa has been instructed two things. One is put in your self-effort. You need self-effort so that you don’t become a slave to your senses, you become the master of your senses. Will self-effort alone work? Yama said, “No, it is only grace that works.” Since everyone is a combination of body and mind, matter and energy, the tangible and the intangible, the manifest and the unmanifest, you need two sets of rules to follow. One set of rules for the body, the tangible, the limited. It works only with effort. Then another set of rules to handle the mind, the abstract, the unmanifest. That works through effortlessness. Often we confuse ourselves and do the reverse. In the mind we put effort and for the body, we say, “Let it be, whatever happens.” You have to exercise...

“Do My work and I will do your work.”

I am associated and connected to Sri Sri since 12 years now. Since then I have been hearing from all the teachers, devotees and the Master himself – “Do My work and I will do your work.” But I never had this experience all these years and I really did doubt it. I have been travelling for Satsangs and Courses to nearby places while also looking after my business (Manufacturing Paints). Whenever I was out of my factory, there used to be some or the other problem that worried me. I once spoke to Gurudev in Teacher’s Refresher Meet about it, and He asked me to chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ and do Ganesh Aradhana (chanting for good luck) . Although I started doing that, the problem still continued and I started doubting more. I was also going through lot of problems in my business and even on the personal front. Due to this I was continuously e-mailing Guruji about the issues but didn’t get any reply. This went on for 2 years. In between, I had recorded my album and had met Guruji t...

The tumour had burst, leading to extreme bleeding.

My Art Of Living journey began when I was a 7-8 year old kid, and did the Art Excel course. Thereafter, at the age of 14, I did the YES! course, following which, I did not miss the Kriya even for a single day in four years, until one day, when I felt a sudden, gripping pain in my stomach, and within minutes it grew so bad that I couldn’t even move my legs. And before anybody could understand anything, I started vomiting blood. I was rushed to the Doctor and was diagnosed with cancer of the ovary of second stage. The tumour had burst, leading to extreme bleeding. All this happened just a day before I was to appear for an exam, that too of a very difficult subject. Moreover, the doctors said that the only cure was to remove my ovaries. We were shocked!! I was unmarried and was only 22. It meant that it would ruin my future!! I was in a state of severe depression. Somehow, the doctors gave me an injection and a temporary medication which would enable me to give my exam the ne...

Whole Divine Network that came to my aid.

It all started about two months back, when my dad, who is a Bank manager posted in Bihar (India) and got stuck in a false litigation case. My dad is a very timid, nice hearted, and soft spoken person. Someone filing a false FIR against him, that too when only a 3 year tenure was left for his retirement, took him into a state of grave panic & sorrow. Every time I would call him, he would be just so sad and surrounded by negativity, that my support would only be like a stream of words that flow in from one ear and flow out from the other. Every time I spoke to him, I would get even more helpless and at the same time, thoughtful, as to what could I do from here (My bread and butter is in Mumbai) to improve the situation. I prayed a lot to Guruji to help me out. One Sunday morning, I gave a routine call to my family, to know if the new day had brought along with it some good news, but to my displeasure, my dad was almost in tears, and for me, this was the peak of my plight...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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