Swarna Bhairava : Lord Shiva’s terrible form To understand the concept behind the Swarna Bhairava, one must first understand the significance of some of Lord Shiva’s forms known as ‘Bhairavas’. Translated literally, the expression means ‘frightful’ or terrible. Shiva is known to have appeared in the form of a Bhairav for the first time in order to punish Lord Brahma who had falsely claimed to Lord Vishnu that he was the supreme creator of the universe, commanding Lord Vishnu to pay obeisance to him. Shiva, in his rage has punished Brahma by decapitating one of Brahma’s five heads. As a result he incurred the sin of ‘Brahmhattya’ or the killing of a Brahmin, (which according to Hinduism is one of the worst possible crimes) and had to roam about in penance for twelve long years with the severed head of Brahma which slowly turned into a skull. Invoked at particular times of extreme rage, the Bhairava form of Shiva is known to bring about absolute destruction. Nevertheless, eve...
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