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If the mind is sharp, you don’t wait for the experience to happen to you. Anyone’s experience becomes your own experience.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷       Chapter 1       At the Door of death        🌻 Day 3 🌻 उशन् ह वै वाजश्रवसः सर्ववेदसं ददौ । तस्य ह नचिकेता नाम पुत्र आस ॥ The Vishwajit yagna was done by Vajashravas and he gave away whatever he had , in the ceremony. He had a small eight year old son. His name was Nachiketa. तँ ह कुमारँ सन्तं दक्षिणासु  नीयमानासु श्रद्धाविवेश सोऽमन्यत ॥ He saw his father giving everything away. He was running around and observing what his father was doing. He was watching everything with a lot of faith , “Oh. Father is doing all this. He is doing such a great job. He has given everything away.” He also saw his father giving away cattle which were old. He noted that his father would not get any merit out of that. Children are very smart , smarter than their parents. They are so innocent. पीतोदका जग्धतृणा दुग्धदोहा निरिन्द्रियाः । अनन्दा नाम ते लोकास्तान् स गच्छति ता ददत् ॥ Sometimes people give away things whi...

Yagna has three aspects. Deva Pooja – honouring the Divinity. Sangatikarna – bringing everyone together. Dana – giving away.

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷        Chapter 1        At the door of death             🌻 Day 2 🌻 Long long ago , there lived a very pious man called Vajashravas. He got his name because of his passion for feeding people. He would feed anybody who comes to his house anytime. He would feed the entire town. So , he became very famous and known by the name Vajashravas. His son was very proud of his father. Whenever father does anything big , children want to excel them. If father has become a good businessman then their children want to excel them. Vajashravas’ son too , wanted to excel his father. The father was giving away food , but when the son grew up, he wanted to give away everything. There is joy, immense joy in giving. So , this thought of giving away everything lodged in his head. There is yagna called Vishwajit yagya, which means the yagna performed to win the universe. Alexander wanted to win the world and possess e...

I am now full of abundance and blessings which gurudev has showered on me

During the silver jubilee celebrations, I was the only one from the 20 participants of my Part-1 Course, who could attend the celebrations in Bangalore! At one point in life, I was so shy and now I was going all alone from Mumbai to Bangalore, an unknown place, unknown people and with no company since my group went a day before me by train.   But I know Gurudev was with me throughout my trip. He made all the arrangements through someone or the other to make my journey comfortable and memorable and mainly, to make me strong. Whether it was flight booking, vehicle arrangement or accommodation. He took care of everything. The most important and miraculous thing was that in the crowd of about 25-30 lakhs people at the event, i was separated from my group of about 10-12 people for the whole day even though we were on the same grounds. Secondly, I did not have the location of the place where my group and I were staying. When the Satsang was about to end, I was worried about what was g...

The realization and coming in touch with the Master physically has made this lifetime as well as the coming ones – all so celebrative

The connection with Guruji has been there ever since eternity. The realization and coming in touch with the Master physically has made this lifetime as well as the coming ones – all so celebrative. HE has been there as a protective shield all throughout – whether this myopic mind can perceive it or not.   I had gone to attend a satsang organised at a YES!+ workshop and was hanging out with the Satsangis on the last day – it was almost 8.45pm. I realized the ride back home would take over an hour. To add to it, soon my phone battery drained and I could not inform at home that I would be late. It was winter and the weather in Delhi was really chilly being last week of December. I dropped off at Rohini East Metro station at around 10pm and looked here and there for an autorickshaw, still in the blissful state of Bhajans and Hymns. Amidst the scarce chances of finding one, I sat comfortably on one to ride across another 5-6 kms to reach home. There was dense fog and silence on the r...

I did my first Art of Living course in 1995 at Model Town in Delhi with teacher Rajesh Sharma. I was not a spiritually inclined person back then.

I did my first Art of Living course in 1995 at Model Town in Delhi with teacher Rajesh Sharma. I was not a spiritually inclined person back then.   As a humble policeman, I was focused on earning money for my family rather than doing any spiritual practices. My mind was not calm at all. All I could think about back then was ways to earn more money and it was the top priority of my life. I could not even dream of owning a home, accommodating my parents and children in it, having a small family car, and a convent education in a reputed school for my children. Even though all this seemed impossible to me at the time, all of my efforts were directed towards achieving it. The experience of Sudarshan Kriya was so powerful for me that it brought about a complete change in my life. For the first time, I realized that there were things which were beyond my boundaries of understanding. I was spellbound, amazed, and stunned with such a wonderful experience. A few days later after the cour...

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